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 Mardy FISH

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Féminin Localisation : Paris

Membre n° : 1
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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyDim 5 Aoû 2007 - 22:59

Mardy Fish

Mardy FISH F339_AS

Birthdate: 9-Dec-81
Birthplace: Edina, Minnesota, USA
Residence: Tampa, Florida, USA
Height: 6'2'' (187 cm)
Weight: 180 lbs (81 kg)
Plays: Right-handed
Turned Pro: 2000
Coach: Bo Hodge

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Féminin Localisation : Paris

Membre n° : 1
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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyMar 21 Aoû 2007 - 10:33

New Haven 2007 vs Volandri

Mardy FISH Fulljgetty76051334ms015we1.th Mardy FISH Fulljgetty76051334ms014vw4.th Mardy FISH Captc21c48bf60894273947vz1.th
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Féminin Localisation : Dans un cabanon perdu en Espagne

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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyVen 24 Aoû 2007 - 9:29

New Haven 2007 vs Wawrinka


Mardy FISH Capt_412 Mardy FISH Fullj_25 Mardy FISH Capt_d10 Mardy FISH Fullj_24
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Féminin Localisation : Paris

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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptySam 25 Aoû 2007 - 10:38

Vs Karlovic

Mardy FISH Fulljgetty76051330ms005zs7.th Mardy FISH Capt6cdcc8f146ed47d3b43sj9.th Mardy FISH Capt87b31d7d3374404eb62hp3.th

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Féminin Localisation : Dans un cabanon perdu en Espagne

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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyDim 26 Aoû 2007 - 11:19

Ba c'est trop tard, il l'a loupé ! Mardy FISH 92787
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Féminin Localisation : Paris

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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptySam 22 Mar 2008 - 10:52

MS Indian Wells - Fish au finish

Mardy FISH 1778308391

Mardy Fish est le dernier qualifié pour les demi-finales du tournoi d'Indian Wells. Il a battu David Nalbandian en 3 sets après 2h45 de jeu. Au prochain tour il affrontera Roger Federer qui a profité de l'abandon de Tommy Haas pour se hisser dans le dernier carré.

Masters Series Indian Wells, 1/4 de finale

Mardy Fish (USA)
bat David Nalbandian (ARG/N.7) 6-3, 6-7 (7/5), 7-6 (7/4).

Prochain adversaire: Federer.

Mardy Fish, 98e joueur mondial a réalisé une belle perf en éliminant la tête de série numéro 7. Lui qui depuis le début de l'année n'avait pas réussi à dépasser un quart de finale à San Jose et Delray Beach, peut enfin savourer. Mais que ce fut difficile.

Le début du match se veut à l'avantage de Nalbandian qui break d'entrée son adversaire et mène 2-0. Mardy Fish réagit bien et se ressaisit pour finalement enchaîner et remporter la première manche 6-3. Au cours du deuxième set, les deux joueurs réalisent chacun un break et s'en remettre au jeu décisif pour se départager. C'est finalement l'Argentin qui s'en sort le mieux et du même coup, il se relance dans la partie. La dernière manche se montre à l'image de la précédente avec un break de chaque côté. Aucun des deux joueurs ne parvient à se détacher. Mardy Fish obtient pourtant de nombreuses balles de break qu'il ne parvient pas à conclure (seulement 4 balles sur 16 de converties).

La fatigue risque de jouer en sa défaveur

Les deux joueurs se départagent une nouvelle fois dans un ultime jeu décisif et cette fois c'est l'Américain qui ressort vainqueur. Fish a construit sa victoire notamment grâce à un service solide (23 aces et 77% de points remportés sur sa première balle) et une frappe puissante qui lui ont permis de remporter 61 points gagnants contre 34 à son adversaire.

En demi-finale, il affrontera Roger Federer qui n'a pas eu besoin de jouer pour battre Tommy Haas. Ce dernier a déclaré forfait à cause d'un problème de sinus. Si la motivation de Fish sera certainement présente, la fatigue accumulée au cours de ce quart de finale risque de jouer en sa défaveur. Et Roger Federer pourrait en profiter.


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Féminin Localisation : Paris

Membre n° : 1
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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyDim 23 Mar 2008 - 8:58

Fish, roi de la pêche au gros

23/03/2008 - 00:34

C'est le coupeur de têtes d'Indian Wells! Mardy Fish a pêché un autre gros poisson, samedi soir, en demi-finale du premier Masters Series de la saison. L'Américain a surclassé le numéro un mondial Roger Federer en deux petites manches 6-3, 6-2, écartant ainsi sa cinquième tête de série du tournoi. Une victoire surprise qui ne souffre pourtant d'aucune discussion tant la domination du 98e joueur mondial a été sans partage. Fish rencontrera en finale Novak Djokovic qui a maté le fougueux Rafael Nadal sur la même marque.


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Féminin Localisation : Eysines

Membre n° : 170
Nombre de messages : 1983
Inscription : 21/03/2008

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyLun 24 Mar 2008 - 10:58

Fish y a cru

Le Suisse, éliminé en demi-finales par Mardy Fish n'aura pas vu son bourreau créer la surprise jusqu'au bout. L'Américain a pourtant donné beaucoup de fil à retordre au n°3 mondial. Mené 6-2, 4-2, il a fait vivre une difficile fin de partie au joueur serbe en recollant (4-4), puis en ne craquant pas à 4-5 et 0-30, et enfin en passant carrément devant (6-5) pour décrocher le set (7-5) sur un dernier retour hors des limites de son adversaire. «Je ne me suis pas montré suffisamment patient par moment», tempêtait Djokovic après la rencontre.

Sur sa lancée, Fish s'est même procuré trois balles de break sur le premier jeu de la manche décisive, mais c'est à ce moment-là que Djokovic est sorti de son état de choc pour éteindre l'incendie. De nouveau agressif en coup droit, le vainqueur de l'Open d'Australie a repris la direction des échanges, a fait ce petit pas décisif à l'intérieur du court pour prendre Fish de vitesse (3-0). A cela s'est ajouté la fin des fautes directes côté revers et le retour de la prise de risque ''raisonnable''. Si le bras du Serbe avait eu un peu de mal à tenir la tension au moment de tuer le match dans le deuxième set, il s'est vite repris dans le troisième. Solide malgré toutes les offensives adverses, il a su museler le coup droit de l'Américain et se détacher irrésistiblement (5-2) avant de conclure sur son service (6-3) à sa deuxième balle de match. Fish, lui, restera sur une semaine incroyable avec, à son tableau de chasse, Igor Andreev, Nikolaï Davydenko, Lleyton Hewitt, David Nalbandian et Roger Federer.


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Féminin Localisation : Paris

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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyLun 24 Mar 2008 - 11:00

Merci amandine Mardy FISH 308723

Espérons que la prochaine fois il y croit un peu plus bof
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Féminin Localisation : Eysines

Membre n° : 170
Nombre de messages : 1983
Inscription : 21/03/2008

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyLun 24 Mar 2008 - 11:02

Sauf si il joue contre Rafa !

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raf' 4 ever

Top 20
Top 20
raf' 4 ever

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Masculin Localisation : Troyes

Membre n° : 121
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Inscription : 23/12/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyLun 24 Mar 2008 - 11:15

Ca me paraît équitable Mardy FISH 189714
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Féminin Localisation : Metz

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Inscription : 10/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyMar 22 Avr 2008 - 18:29

Fish fait l’impasse

22/04 14h25 - Tennis, JO

L’Américain Mardy Fish a décidé de ne pas participer aux Jeux Olympiques de Pékin.

Médaillé d’argent à Athènes il y a quatre ans, Mardy Fish renonce aux Jeux Olympiques de Pékin. Comme son compatriote Andy Roddick, l’Américain a donné sa préférence au tournoi de Washington (9-17 août) afin de se préparer pour l’US Open.


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Féminin Localisation : Paris

Membre n° : 1
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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyMer 9 Juil 2008 - 22:48

Fish sorti

9/07 23h23 - Tennis, ATP, Newport

Mardy Fish a été éliminé au 2e tour du tournoi de Newport par Rohan Bopanna.

Il y aura un quart de finale 100 % indien à Newport. Rohan Bopanna s’est qualifié en dominant l’Américain Mardy Fish (7/6 7/5). Il a gagné le droit d’affronter son compatriote Prakash Amritraj.


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Féminin Localisation : Dans un cabanon perdu en Espagne

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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyMer 23 Juil 2008 - 8:23

TMS Toronto 2008 - First Round vs Nicolas Kiefer


Mardy FISH F4b5b710 Mardy FISH Cb7eef10
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Féminin Localisation : Dans un cabanon perdu en Espagne

Membre n° : 3
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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyMer 30 Juil 2008 - 14:48

TMS Cincinnati 2008 vs Tommy Robredo


Mardy FISH Cb7eef279abbc35575e2ce6fp1
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Féminin Localisation : Paris

Membre n° : 1
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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyMar 5 Aoû 2008 - 10:13

Fish qualifié

5/08 07h56 - Tennis, ATP, Los Angeles

Dernier match de la nuit à Los Angeles entre Mardy Fish et Alejandro Falla. Et victoire de l'Américain.

Mardy Fish s'est aisément qualifié pour le deuxième tour du tournoi de Los Angeles. L'Américain, tête de série numéro 6, a pris le meilleur sur le Colombien Alejandro Falla en deux sets (6/2 6/2). Fish retrouvera au prochain tour le vainqueur de l'oppposition entre Vince Spadea et Sébastien Grosjean.


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Féminin Localisation : Paris

Membre n° : 1
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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyVen 22 Aoû 2008 - 10:05

Fish passe

21/08 23h40 - Tennis, ATP, New Haven

Mardy Fish a battu Jesse Levine en quarts de finale du tournoi de New Haven.

Mardy Fish a facilement dominé son compatriote Jesse Levine en quarts de finale du tournoi de New Haven (6/3 7/6). En demi-finales, l’Américain affrontera Fernando Verdasco.


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Féminin Localisation : Eysines

Membre n° : 170
Nombre de messages : 1983
Inscription : 21/03/2008

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptySam 23 Aoû 2008 - 21:29

Une affiche Fish-Cilic

L'Américain Mardy Fish a dominé la tête de série n°1, l'Espagnol Fernando Verdasco, en trois manches (6-0, 1-6, 6-3) pour se qualifier pour la finale du tournoi de New Haven. Finaliste l'an passé, Fish [n°8] tentera de remporter son premier titre depuis Houston 2006 face au Croate Marin Cilic (n°6), vainqueur du Sovène Luka Gregorc en deux manches (6-3, 6-3).


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Féminin Localisation : Dans un cabanon perdu en Espagne

Membre n° : 3
Nombre de messages : 14210
Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyMer 27 Aoû 2008 - 18:19

An interview with Mardy Fish
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Q. How was your summer?

MARDY FISH: Terrific. How was yours?

Q. Long.
MARDY FISH: Mine was long, too. Mine was long. Started out bad, but then got it going in L.A., you know, and got a little bit of a break after losing first round in Washington.
Then played well in New Haven, you know.

Q. So coming in here, you wanted to get some matches in the summer and didn't go to Beijing. Feel like you accomplished what you wanted?
MARDY FISH: I think any time you make the finals, win four matches on this level, got to be hitting the ball pretty good. I think a semi and a final, you know, that was obviously the first time I'd ever lost first round in Toronto, first round in Cincinnati, back to back Masters Series.
I wasn't expecting that. I had Kiefer Kiefer in the first round and then Robredo who gives anybody fits.
Those tournaments are always tough. But, yeah, I mean, I won quite a few more matches than I lost, and certainly I think it was a pretty good summer overall.

Q. Are you flying coachless right now?
MARDY FISH: No, I got Craig Boynton. Works at Saddlebrook and travels with me and traveled with me to Wimbledon and through the summer.

Q. What are your expectations coming in here?
MARDY FISH: I'd like to make third round. I'd like to win...

Q. You have Mathieu?
MARDY FISH: Yeah. I think I've lost second round '02 through '08.

Q. You're consistent.

MARDY FISH: Yeah, consistently bad. Yeah, I've had some good opportunities and some tough draws.

Q. Is it just it's just the home slam and you've come in here really riding high?
MARDY FISH: I mean, it's the last tournament of the ‑‑ this is the last tournament of a really long summer for me, a jam‑packed summer: Newport, training week in Austin, Toronto, Cincinnati, L.A., D.C. and New Haven, and US Open. It's a pretty long summer.
I'd like to ‑‑ you know, I'm going to leave everything I got out on the court for sure, because I've got quite a significant amount of time off after this. Only going to play three in the fall, starting with Madrid, because of the marriage thing.

Q. September 25th?

MARDY FISH: September 28th. So I'm going to obviously, you know, take some time off, away from tennis for sure, which will be nice. So that's why I played so much this summer.

Q. Let me ask you a question, do you think that some players are early‑season players and other players are late‑season players? Like some come out of the gate strong and...
MARDY FISH: Sure, absolutely. Yeah. I think I tend to play well early.

Q. Early?


Q. Is it because your fresh?
MARDY FISH: Yeah, obviously everybody is fresh. But I like going down to Australia and I love the heat and the courts are high‑bouncing. I think that helps me.
Yeah, I've always played well down there, and played well in the indoor stuff in the States. So the past couple years I've got off to a real good start.
I think that the clay court season is tough for me because I just stall there. Just kind of sputter around not even moving or doing anything.

Q. Are guys known for being, This is a guy you can knock off earlier in the year or this is a guy that comes out at the end of the year and he's fried?

MARDY FISH: Yes. You got to be pretty into it to remember who does really well in Australia and who doesn't.
Yeah, I think I certainly ‑‑ I gather so much confidence in the beginning of the year, and then I go to the clay and then I just ‑‑ takes me until New Haven to get to back again.

Q. Right. Guys like Nadal, obviously clay has something to do with it, but I think only six or seven of his 31 titles are after July.

MARDY FISH: Yeah. He probably ‑‑ the season is long. A lot of wear and tear on the body. Someone like him, every single match and every single point he doesn't take off.
So, yeah, I mean, he's got ‑‑ that's got to be tough for him for sure. He's only 22 years old.

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Féminin Localisation : Dans un cabanon perdu en Espagne

Membre n° : 3
Nombre de messages : 14210
Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyVen 29 Aoû 2008 - 6:37

An interview with Mardy Fish
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Q. When I last saw you after you lost here last year, it seems like you've become a different guy. You beat Federer and you played some great tennis here. In fact, you didn't go to Beijing. Do you see that now as this is your prime opportunity? Do you see this as the Year of the Fish Fanatics?
MARDY FISH: I'm not sure about that, but, you know, the reason I didn't go to Beijing was there were quite a few reasons. I think it helped that I had gone, medaled, done the whole experience.
Beijing is a long, long ways away from Tampa and from Washington, D.C. and LA. Those tournaments are fun tournaments for me. I think it was important for me to stay close to home, you know. I'm getting married after this tournament.
I think it's, you know, I think it was important to stay close and to play the tournaments that I really enjoy playing. Obviously, you know, watching the opening ceremonies and watching the guys play over there and watching James and those guys was tough for sure. Brought back a lot of memories, and I got great memories from there and I got some really tough memories from there.
So I think as far as the Beijing question is concerned, yeah, that was relatively easy.

Q. Could you talk about playing James in the next round. He says he's in your wedding, groomsman, not best man; is that correct?
MARDY FISH: No, he's not the best man. However, you know, I've got a lot of ‑‑ quite a few friends over the years who have been best friends at times, and James has certainly been, you know, on tour. You know, we used to live together in Tampa, and, you know, we've played ‑‑ this is only our fourth time playing.
I've played Andy quite a few more times than that. Andy and I are more like brothers than anything else. We'll fight over pretty much everything. James and I almost the opposite. We get along extremely well. We get each other extremely well.
You know, I certainly look forward to it.

Q. Is it hard to do?
MARDY FISH: I mean, you know, it's ‑‑ if I'm not going to win, I'd certainly love for him to win and him to do well. I don't want to lose, if that answers your question.
You know, in the third round, for a place in the fourth round of the biggest tournament of the year, I think we'll probably put our friendship aside for just a couple hours.

Q. Where is the wedding and are there any other tennis players or athletes as your groomsmen in your wedding party?
MARDY FISH: Tiger Woods is my best man. No, I'm kidding. (laughter.)
That would be cool, eh?
No, it's in late September in Los Angeles. Stacy's from LA. Mr. Roddick is in it, as well. However, I think he's going over to Asia to play, so he's not going to be able to make it. James' brother, as well, Thomas, is in the wedding, too. I think that's about it as far as athletes.

Q. This is a big hurdle for you to overcome. You've had opportunities second round, especially last year and today, playing a real good player. Doesn't seem like big nerves on the big points.
MARDY FISH: Well, I was certainly nervous. You know, obviously I wanted to get ‑‑ try to get that second break or try to get it breaking over serving. You know, having the two‑minute break and the TV changeover at 5‑4 felt like it was an hour.
You know, just getting up there, winning the first point was big. I was definitely ‑‑ I was definitely tight, for sure. I understand what's at stake, you know. I'm no dummy.
I assumed that James was probably going to win, and that opportunity sounded pretty fun to me. Serving for the match and being up, you know, certainly I thought about that a little bit. You know, not having beaten Paul, also, was a pretty big factor as far as nerves.
You know, he returns well, and, you know, I felt like if I could ‑‑ I gave myself just a couple things to think about, walking out and jumping out of that chair, and I was able to come up with a pretty good volley at 15‑All to kind of give me the momentum in that game.

Q. Do you think there will be a little side bet with James, dinner or something?
MARDY FISH: Maybe no ‑‑ nothing monetary, but maybe something, yeah. Maybe something.

Q. Can you talk about a little bit about this class, this American group you're part of with Andy and James and Robby, and, you know, Patrick McEnroe as your Davis Cup coach.
When did you guys first get to know each other? Was it in the 12s? Have you known each other 10 years now? How long has it been? Do you ever think you'd feel this camaraderie as part of this group?
MARDY FISH: Well, I've known Andy for a lot longer than everyone else out here. I got to know James, because when I went to Saddlebrook to train he was already there. He had already been there for about a year, year and a half, and we became good friends right away there.
I had heard of Robby and ‑‑ he was a year younger than me. I didn't play juniors with him, otherwise I would have known him a little bit better, until, you know, until we got out here.
Then the Bryan brothers are ‑‑ it's tough, you know. It's a tough era to come into, because you're coming into the Sampras and Agassi and Tim Martin and Courier and those guys. It's extremely tough to top that and to even come close to that, and we're certainly trying our hardest.
Andy is certainly trying his hardest. He's been ‑‑ he's been the No. 1 American and holding that flame for, you know, the better part of seven years, six, seven years.
You know, he's done an incredible job as well as James with all the pressure he's got now. I feel like I've kind of taken a back seat to that. I haven't quite given myself the opportunity to jump into the top 10 since I was, you know, 22 in 2004.
So I don't feel as much pressure as those guys, you know, to go deep in Grand Slams and things like that. Obviously I want to, and, you know, I'm trying my hardest just as well as everybody else is.
Hopefully that answers your question.

Q. How old would you have been when you went to Saddlebrook?
MARDY FISH: I went to Saddlebrook when I was 18.

Q. Do you like flying under the radar screen? You did beat Federer at Indian Wells. You're playing fine tennis. Is that part of the strategy?

MARDY FISH: Well, I don't think there's strategy involved with ‑‑ you know, I feel like I've had a pretty good career. I feel like I've left quite a few matches out there, to tell you the truth.
I've lost nine finals in some pretty big matches, and lost in the finals, 7‑6 in the third in Cincinnati and lost three sets in Indian Wells and lost five sets in the Olympics.
Those are some pretty big tournaments to have on your resumé.

Q. Law of averages is on your side here, then.
MARDY FISH: Couple of those go my way, and I think I've got a pretty good career going. Not to say that, you know, that I don't now. It's just, you know, five or six tournaments over two tournaments sounds ‑‑ five or six sounds a little better than two.

Q. This is the first time in a few years that someone not named Roddick or Blake is not going to make it the second week. You and Sam and Robby and some other guys.
MARDY FISH: That would be nice, for sure. Definitely rooting for them. You know, I've got a pretty big hurdle at the moment with James. I'd like to think he does, as well.
Andy seemed to play unbelievable last night. Boy, Sam played well in his first round, too. You know, I think, you know, Robby is obviously capable of making the semis here. All these guys are capable of doing it. I think it's a pretty good surface for us to do it.

Q. Let 's get down to basics here. You go through life with a pretty unique name. What's the best part of having the last name you have, and what's the worst part?
MARDY FISH: I don't know. I think it's easy to come up with headlines in newspapers. I think I've seen almost every one of those.

Q. Can you give us a best and worst or couple of your favorites?
MARDY FISH: Well, you get ‑‑ like when I lose, you know, the Filleted Fish, kind of thing, Fried Fish. It's easy when I lose, because you throw one of those two out there. I tend to see those a lot.

Q. Do you feel self‑conscious when you go out and order the fish and...

MARDY FISH: I don't eat much fish, so no. (laughter.)

Q. Mardy, how did you feel about James and the Olympics with González and González not owning up to supposedly hitting that?

MARDY FISH: I tell you what, that's a really, really tough thing for González. I will probably get in trouble by this answer. I think ‑‑ I think it would depend on who you're playing. I'm going to give you my personal belief is at 8‑9 in the semis of the Olympics to play for, you know ‑‑ you're not just playing for yourself, you know. You're playing for your country, you're playing for ‑‑ this is the Olympics, you know. It only comes around every four years, and all the clichés.
8‑9 in the third? You know, to go and try to win the gold? Boy, I tell you what, I would certainly have said it had I been playing James or playing Andy or playing one of my friends, but I would have weighed ‑‑ I would have weighed in my friends ‑‑ is my friendship with this guy worth a gold medal to me?
You know, to say that he didn't feel it hit his racquet is kind of a crock. I also would have ‑‑ after the match, if someone would have asked me and I didn't call it on myself, I certainly would have said, Yeah, it hit my racquet. But bad luck, you know.
I mean, that's ‑‑ the line calls used to be part of the game. Still is a little bit part of the game. Bad line calls, and the human aspect of tennis is definitely still there.
I would have called it on James if I was playing him. I would have given him the point. It would have been ‑‑ it would have been tough, for sure.

Q. Fernando said that after three hours in a tough match like that you don't feel your body. What are your thoughts about that?

MARDY FISH: Yeah, that's ‑‑ you know, get him in a back room and ask him the same question. I have a tough time believing that I would have ‑‑ would not have felt it had it moved as much as it did on the replay. Definitely. Everybody saw it definitely hit his racquet.

Q. Why is tennis held to a higher standard than baseball?

MARDY FISH: Yeah, I don't think it should be necessarily. You know, I think golf is kind of you call it on yourself, and tennis is more of a...

Q. Different.
MARDY FISH: Tennis is, I got a bad line call or did you hear that let? I'm not ‑‑ if I ‑‑ if somebody else gets a bad line call, and I knew it was in but they called it out, I mean, I'm not going to give them the point for that.

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Féminin Localisation : Dans un cabanon perdu en Espagne

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Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptySam 30 Aoû 2008 - 12:08

US Open 2008 vs Smeets

Mardy FISH Fishid4.th
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Féminin Localisation : Dans un cabanon perdu en Espagne

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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptySam 30 Aoû 2008 - 13:08

US Open 2008 vs Mathieu

Mardy FISH 075da310 Mardy FISH Capt_312 Mardy FISH Capt_912
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Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyMar 2 Sep 2008 - 8:46

1/8ème vs Monfils:

Mardy FISH 1c3bdbc8baca3ad291f16d0ik6.th Mardy FISH 538df8abf640d7911bc8ad9qb1.th Mardy FISH Captacf41cf8917a48a6b4cqg6.th Mardy FISH 89fd8f4094536f3ac8a360fqv1.th Mardy FISH 68570de1e74d681e980b958jk1.th Mardy FISH Aa1917f5d1d985a15bcf407vz3.th Mardy FISH Db930fbe289da9ac8e331cewa0.th
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Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyMar 2 Sep 2008 - 8:51

Fish souffle les bougies de Monfils

Lundi 1 septembre 2008 - 23:57

Gaël Monfils, tête de série N.32, a tristement fêté son 22e anniversaire en se faisant balayer en 8e de finale de l'US Open par l'Américain Mardy Fish 7-5, 6-2, 6-2.

Correctement entré dans le match, Gaël Monfils a toutefois lâché en fin de premier set en perdant sa mise en jeu à 6-5 après avoir raté trois balles de break à 4-4. Les deux manches suivantes ont été expédiées en une heure (autant que la durée du premier set) par l'Américain, 35e joueur mondial, qui avait sorti son ami James Blake (N.9) au tour précédent.

Le Français, quasiment incapable de capitaliser sur ses occasions de faire le break (1 sur 7), n'a jamais paru dans le rythme de la rencontre, notamment au filet, où il s'est montré très faible (25% de réussite). Au deuxième set, il a fait entrer le soigneur pour se faire poser un bandage sous le genou droit, qu'il a retiré quelques jeux plus tard.

Monfils était le dernier tricolore en lice dans le tableau masculin après l'élimination de Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (N.19), dimanche au troisième tour. Il ne rencontrera pas l'Espagnol Rafael Nadal, tête de série N.1, en quart de finale. L'Espagnol s'est fait bousculer par l'Américain Sam Querrey, 55e mondial, 6-2, 5-7, 7-6 (2), 6-3.


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Féminin Localisation : Paris

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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Mardy FISH Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Mardy FISH   Mardy FISH EmptyLun 13 Oct 2008 - 17:36

Fish pour Gasquet

13/10 12h24 - Tennis, ATP, Madrid

Mardy Fish passe le premier tour du Masters de Madrid après sa victoire sur Steve Darcis.

Richard Gasquet affrontera Mardy Fish au 2e tour du Masters Series de Madrid. L’Américain a facilement disposé de Steve Darcis au premier tour (6/1 6/4).


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