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 Donald YOUNG

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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyLun 20 Aoû 2007 - 19:04

Donald Young

Donald YOUNG Y124_AT

Birthdate: 23-Jul-89
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Residence: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Height: 5'9'' (175 cm)
Weight: 145 lbs (65 kg)
Plays: Left-handed
Turned Pro: 2004
Coach: Donald Young Sr. & Ilona Young

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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyLun 20 Aoû 2007 - 19:08

Young among first-round winners at Pilot Pen

New Haven, CT (Sports Network) - Eighteen year-old American Donald Young was one of several first-round winners Sunday in the first round of the Pilot Pen.

Young dropped the first set to fellow American Amer Delic before winning 4-6, 6-3, 6-4. Next up for the youngster is top-seed Nikolay Davydenko, who is the defending champion.

Other first-round winners were Americans Robby Ginepri, Michael Russell and Mardy Fish; Spaniard Feliciano Lopez; Swede Thomas Johansson; Frenchman Marc Gicquel and Argentine Juan Martin Del Potro.


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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyLun 20 Aoû 2007 - 19:13

New Haven 2007 vs Delic

Donald YOUNG Capt50b0b1c47e61408084csr3.th Donald YOUNG Capt7a9aa55c8de44851b62zh0.th
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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyMar 28 Aoû 2007 - 9:56

US OPEN 1er tour

Donald YOUNG Fulljgetty76184553mh004rx2.th Donald YOUNG Fulljgetty76184553mh015uf0.th Donald YOUNG Fulljgetty76184553mh016ca9.th
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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyMar 28 Aoû 2007 - 17:02

Adel, merci de l'effort que tu fais ! Razz
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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyMar 28 Aoû 2007 - 17:04

Il était temps de le noter Donald YOUNG 189714
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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyMar 28 Aoû 2007 - 17:05

Je note tjrs tout et je t'en suis trèèèès reconnaissante ! Laughing
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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyJeu 30 Aoû 2007 - 8:12

US Open (H) Avantage à quel «young» ?

jeu 30 aou, 04h46

Ils sont tous les deux à leur façon la relève du tennis de leur pays. Ils sont jeunes, très talentueux et ils ne se sont jamais affrontés. Voilà pourquoi le duel franco-américain Gasquet-Young, programmé ce jeudi en deuxième match sur le Louis Armstrong Stadium, excite autant les esprits à New-York. Richard Gasquet , 21 ans et 13e mondial, partira largement favori face à Donald Young , 18 ans et 223e mondial. Sur le papier. Mais dans la démesure du plus grand stade de tennis du monde et face à un public tout acquis à la cause de l'Américain, l'expérience du numéro un français sera-t-elle plus forte que le goût du jeune garçon pour le show ? Passage en revue éclair de ce que seront probablement les clés du match avec les principaux protagonistes de cet affrontement : les joueurs eux-mêmes, bien sûr, mais aussi et surtout, car ils sont plus prolixes, leurs entraîneurs respectifs, Illonah Young, qui est également la mère de Donald Young, et Eric Deblicker.

Quelles sont vraiment les armes de Donald Young pour réussir quelque chose de grand ?

«Lorsque Donald se sert de son cerveau et de son talent, il est capable d'évoluer à un très haut niveau, explique tranquillement Illonah Young . Quant à ses coups, franchement, vu ce que je vois en ce moment, je me dis que tout va bien et qu'il est devenu solide dans tous les compartiments du jeu. Désormais, tout dépendra de la façon dont il va être capable de se battre contre un joueur du top. Le physique n'est plus un problème pour lui. Qu'un match se joue en trois ou en cinq sets, cela ne fait plus aucune différence, il récupère plus vite. Donc, très franchement, je ne vois aucune faiblesse chez lui. Tout ce que je vois, c'est qu'il est excité et très motivé par le match qui l'attend.»

«Donald Young, c'est un représentant de la génération qui monte, confirme Eric Deblicker . C'est un jeune gaucher talentueux, qui manque encore un peu d'expérience. Il a un jeu qui rappelle un peu celui de Rios... en moins fort, faut-il espérer pour nous !»

Mais l'expérience ferait plutôt pencher la balance du côté de Richard Gasquet :

Le Biterrois en a conscience : «Ce ne sera pas un match facile, prédit Richard Gasquet , parce qu'on ne peut pas dire que je ne serai pas favori... Il a trois ans de moins que moi, ça fait bizarre, parce que je n'ai pas l'habitude de jouer contre des mecs qui sont plus jeunes que moi. En un an, il est devenu un joueur complètement différent. Il joue vraiment bien. A priori, en cinq sets, l'expérience devrait jouer pour moi, mais il faudra faire attention, il faudra que je sois solide.»

«Gasquet est un joueur d'expérience, mais, poursuit Illonah Young , le fait de jouer contre un jouer plus jeune, c'est quelque chose d'assez nouveau pour lui. S'il veut gagner, il faudra qu'il impose son jeu, c'est lui qui devra prendre l'initiative.»

Et si l'atmosphère 100% américaine galvanisait Young et donnait raison à son clan ?

«Donald adore ce genre d'ambiance, affirme Illonah Young . Il adore jouer devant autant de public, il adore que les spectateurs l'encouragent. C'est quelque chose qui le tire vers le haut. Et c'est ce qui va se passer !»

Mais pour Eric Deblicker , «l'ambiance ne va rien changer. Que ce soit aux Etats-Unis, devant le public de Donald Young, cela ne changera rien. Ces histoires de jeune, plus jeune, non plus. Richard a les armes pour gagner. Maintenant, il faudra qu'il reste concentré et qu'il ne prenne pas le match à la légère.»

Où se fera la différence, finalement ?

«Richard devra prendre le jeu à son compte et aller de l'avant, explique Eric Deblicker . La clé est là. »

«Gasquet est un super joueur, dit Donald Young . Alors moi, je vais prendre ma chance, essayer de faire de mon mieux, et aussi espérer que j'aurai un peu de chance.»


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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyJeu 30 Aoû 2007 - 10:31

Quel jeu de mot mes enfants quel jeu de mot ! Donald YOUNG 189714

Merci Adel Wink
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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyJeu 30 Aoû 2007 - 20:41

An Interview with Donald Young

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Q. Pretty nice to get into the third round?
DONALD YOUNG: Yeah. Prefer to win it, but I'll take this.

Q. Were you surprised when you heard the news?
DONALD YOUNG: Yeah, I was. I was really surprised because I saw him in the locker room. A couple people saw him hitting today. I saw him hitting yesterday and the day before. I thought he was okay.

Q. Do you ever wonder whether that's a good decision? US Open, last Slam of the year. He's playing a young, inexperienced guy. Surprised he would pull out under the circumstances?
DONALD YOUNG: Yeah, I don't know how he was feeling. I wouldn't know. I don't know if he couldn't move or whatever.

Q. Can you talk about where you find yourself right now? A couple weeks ago you had never won on the ATP Tour. All of a sudden you win a match, you almost beat Davydenko, you're in the third round of the US Open. Is it registering?
DONALD YOUNG: Not really, no. Just kind of going day to day, taking it one step at a time. Yeah, I've only won really -- really won two matches. But it's a lot different than being 11-0, definitely.

Q. How does it feel? Are you excited?
DONALD YOUNG: I mean, yeah. I'm excited to be in the third round. You would like to play the match, see how it would go. Yeah, I'm definitely excited to be in the third round.

Q. When you went out to play your last match, did you go out as a different player?
DONALD YOUNG: Yeah, I felt like I had a chance. He wasn't like top 10 or top 20. They're all good. He's a great player. I feel I had a little chance. Yeah.

Q. Will you go into some detail about how David is assisting with your game, what he's doing for you?
DONALD YOUNG: I mean, David, he's been great. He works together with my parents. They'll bounce ideas off. He'll see some things. They kind of work, it's like a team effort. It's not like him doing anything really special.

Q. For example, some of the things that he's seen that maybe have helped you.
DONALD YOUNG: He's been out there, played on tour, so he know as lot of guys. He kind of knows how the situation will go in a five-setter. He's played some himself. Probably more the situation.

Q. How much do you weigh right now?
DONALD YOUNG: I would say 160. I want to say 160, yeah.

Q. Some of the people who saw your earlier matches said you appear to be hitting with a little more power, more weight on that lefty serve. Is that accurate?
DONALD YOUNG: We worked on that. You have to be able to hit some big shots when the time comes. You have to be consistent. But when you get the shot you have to be able to put it away. Can't put it to the side because good players will get to it, put it away.

Q. When Davydenko said in New Haven that he feared you on both sides unlike any other American, what did you think of that statement?
DONALD YOUNG: I don't know about that. But I'm happy someone at that level could say something like that. It's a big compliment to me. I was really happy he could say something like that about me.

Q. If you could replay the end of the Davydenko match, that short angle cross court passing shot he hit, did that shake you a little bit? Would you replay that in a different way if you had a chance?
DONALD YOUNG: I still got to 30-15. Maybe the backhand I would have hit out a little more, the one that hit the net and kind of rolled. That's just luck, hit the net. Whatever happens happens.
I would play it the same. It was a great match and I had opportunities.

Q. Technically compared to last year at this time, how is your game different specifically? What are you doing better?
DONALD YOUNG: Serving better. I think competing a little better. Not giving up early. When you lose the first set, it's not over, you have to win three out of five. Being more consistent, winning some matches. Confidence, it helps out a lot.

Q. Have guys come up to you in the locker room to congratulate you once you get that first win and in New Haven? Did guys come up and say, congratulations, well done, it's about time?
DONALD YOUNG: Definitely all the Americans did, all of them. Mardy, James, Andy, Gimelstob. All the Americans did, definitely.

Q. Are you inclined to come down to Boca after the USTA moves in there and train with the other juniors?
DONALD YOUNG: I mean, every once in a while. I live in Atlanta. It's pretty close. I train there. But if something special goes on in Boca, usually, at the end of the year, maybe so.

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Féminin Localisation : Paris

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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyVen 31 Aoû 2007 - 18:27

Carla on t'attend sur ce coup là quand même parce que y'a qu'a toi qu"il plait le machin là Donald YOUNG 189714
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Féminin Localisation : Dans un cabanon perdu en Espagne

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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyDim 2 Sep 2007 - 10:44

Mais je suis là, c'est juste que j'étais occupée !!!! Razz Je le suis toujours d'ailleurs, je vais devoir y aller crying Donald YOUNG 189714

Je vous laisse ça avant, je sais que ça vous passionne Laughing Donald YOUNG 189714

An Interview with Donald Young

Saturday, September 1, 2007

F. LOPEZ/D. Young

3-6, 6-3, 7-6, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How would you assess your match?
DONALD YOUNG: Pretty good overall. Obviously he's a great player. I had chances. But I would say it's a big step forward for me, I would say.

Q. Even in the first set you were in it all the way along. What was the difference?
DONALD YOUNG: I mean, he served well. I thought he served amazing. I had a couple opportunities and missed 'em. Was a little tentative. But all credit to him. I feel he played really well, yeah.

Q. In tighter points, you've been incredibly confident last couple weeks.
DONALD YOUNG: Tight points? Yeah, the tiebreak, that overhead, I felt I was up for that one. I don't know what happened. I don't know how it hit the frame, but it did. That's how it goes. And then the double fault, I think it was 5-All, yeah, I don't know. That missed by a lot also.

Q. What was it like getting to the third round here?
DONALD YOUNG: It was awesome to me. Any way you can take it, I'll take it. Third round of the US Open, a tournament I've watched since I was like little and always wanted to play in. To win matches and rounds in this tournament is awesome.

Q. What is it like playing on Armstrong?
DONALD YOUNG: It was awesome. The crowd was amazing. They were really all for me. It helped me out. It was definitely a great experience.

Q. What was the furthest you ever got in a Grand Slam tournament?
DONALD YOUNG: First round. This is the furthest I've ever got. So third round here is by far the furthest I've ever gotten.

Q. There were times when things started to go not your way and you looked pretty frustrated. Have you ever wondered whether that gives a guy a little encouragement or signal that, Well, I've got this kid where I want him now?
DONALD YOUNG: Yeah, definitely it's obviously something you work on not trying to do. You're human. You get upset and have emotions and get upset also. You try to work on that and not show your opponent, but it's hard to be out there fighting that hard and giving it your all and not get upset about it.

Q. Is that a sign of lack of confidence?
DONALD YOUNG: No. I mean, I'm feeling confident right now. Best I've ever felt. So I felt like I was in the match. A couple different points, the match could have changed the other way.

Q. Is it maybe a lack of experience? As you move forward, you get better at it?
DONALD YOUNG: Definitely. He's been out there a lot longer than I have. Yeah, you could say that. Yeah, I would agree with that.

Q. Having been to this spot, what do you think you learned in this short week, and what do you think going forward it will help you achieve?
DONALD YOUNG: Well, I learned I can compete with the guys when I play well. When you're not playing well, you're not able to really compete with them. I mean, I think that goes for everybody, though.

Q. What part of your game do you have to work on to reach the next step?
DONALD YOUNG: All of it. I wouldn't say one particular thing. The whole game. Just have to keep getting better.

Q. Are you staying here? In the city?
DONALD YOUNG: Yeah, we're staying at the Affinia 50 hotel.

Q. When you're walking around town, do people recognize you?

DONALD YOUNG: Last night I walked by myself and a couple people, yeah, they did. A driver, I don't know, a limousine, he got out the car and asked me. A couple people just walking down the street, yeah.

Q. Did you have like a Nike cap on or racquet?
DONALD YOUNG: I always have my cap. It was a Nike cap, so I guess that helped a lot.

Q. Has anyone asked you about hitting the ball out of the stadium?

DONALD YOUNG: No, no one has.

Q. Seems like you were holding it in the rest of the match, especially when you were tapping your foot.

DONALD YOUNG: With the racquet?

Q. Yes.
DONALD YOUNG: You shouldn't be doing that. It's something I shouldn't do. I was upset and frustrated. Just wanted to let it out.

Q. Did you have family out here today for this match?

DONALD YOUNG: Family? Yeah, mom, dad, definitely.

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Inscription : 02/08/2007

Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyDim 2 Sep 2007 - 10:45

Evidemment que t'as fait un pas en avant dans ce tournoi ! Ca fait plaisir de te voir là Very Happy Moi je suis fière de lui pour ce tournoi Laughing
Maintenant, faut qu'il confirme, et qu'il fasse pas comme avant ... Rolling Eyes
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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyDim 2 Sep 2007 - 13:21

US Open 2007 vs Lopez
3ème tour


Donald YOUNG Capt_d15 Donald YOUNG Capt_d13 Donald YOUNG Capt_215
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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyDim 2 Sep 2007 - 13:44

Donald YOUNG 818413 Donald YOUNG 818413
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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyDim 2 Sep 2007 - 13:48

:na: :na: :na:
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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyDim 2 Sep 2007 - 14:38

Retour à la réalité pour Young

01/09 22h51 - Tennis, US Open

Le jeune Donald Young a été sorti de l’US Open au 3e tour par Feliciano Lopez.

Donald Young avait profité du forfait de Richard Gasquet pour se hisser au 3e tour de l’US Open. Le parcours du jeune Américain s’est arrêté à ce stade de la compétition face à Feliciano Lopez (3/6 6/3 7/6 7/5). En 8es de finale, l’Espagnol défiera Federer ou Isner.


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Féminin Localisation : Paris

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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyDim 2 Sep 2007 - 14:38

J'adore sport24 ils ont toujours les mots justes Twisted Evil
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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyDim 2 Sep 2007 - 14:39

Retour à la réalité, je suis sûre qu'il te plait le titre de cet article Adel :na:
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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyDim 2 Sep 2007 - 14:41

Ouais c'est pour ca que j'ai posté mon commentaire avant le tien Donald YOUNG 203244
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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyDim 2 Sep 2007 - 14:48

Spèce de sale garce :na: Donald YOUNG 189714
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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyLun 23 Juin 2008 - 21:54

One to watch: Donald Young

Monday, 23 June 2008
Written by Byron Vale

At 15, Donald Young was regarded by many in America as the greatest player of his age the US had produced. By 17, an article about him appeared in the New York Times titled “Prodigy’s End”. Today he will take on compatriot Jesse Levine in the first round, in the strange position of rebuilding his reputation while simultaneously building a career.

Young had plenty of success for one so young. He did the double in America of lifting the under-16 Orange Bowl then the Easter Bowl 18 crown - a feat not even John McEnroe or Pete Sampras achieved; he was the first American to win the Junior Australian Open; he was the youngest year-end world No.1 in junior tennis (aged 16 years and five months); he won the junior Wimbledon title last year, the first American to do so since Scott Humphries in 1994; and in 2007 he became the youngest player to finish in the men’s top 100 (aged 18 years and five months).

The success attracted attention, so he also had the Nike deal, the IMG managers, the media articles and the lucrative wild-cards into tournaments.

Young raised the expectations of a country crying out for a tennis star, and then spectacularly failed to meet them. He had turned professional too young, some said. He was too small, said others. He needs to spend more time hitting with establish stars and less time cashing in at tournaments, others argued. He needs to dump his parents as coaches and bring in a big name, others said.

Was Donald Young an over-hyped youngster or was there substance to his stellar junior career? Today against Jesse Levine we may get part of an answer.


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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyMar 8 Juil 2008 - 11:56

Newport: Ça passe pour Donald Young

07/07/2008 - 22:20

Le jeune Américain a franchi, ce lundi, dans la douleur le cap du premier tour à Newport. Donald Young a pris la mesure en trois sets du Coréen Woong-Sun Jun (6-3, 2-6, 6-4) pour gagner le droit d'affronter le vainqueur de Peya-Petzschner.


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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyMar 15 Juil 2008 - 18:21

Donald qui pose avec une jeune fan

Donald YOUNG Indy1
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Donald YOUNG Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Donald YOUNG   Donald YOUNG EmptyMer 23 Juil 2008 - 8:44

TMS Toronto 2008 - First Round vs Gilles Simon


Donald YOUNG Capt_b48 Donald YOUNG Capt_244 Donald YOUNG Ed84ee10
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Donald YOUNG

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