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 TMS Toronto 2008

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Numéro 1 mondial
Numéro 1 mondial

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Féminin Localisation : region parisienne

Membre n° : 89
Nombre de messages : 3403
Inscription : 10/11/2007

TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyDim 27 Juil 2008 - 23:52

Nadal numéro un mondial en puissance

Rafael Nadal a fait un nouveau pas vers la place de numéro un mondial de Roger Federer. Victorieux dimanche soir de la finale du Masters Series de Toronto contre Nicolas Kiefer (6-3 6-2), l'Espagnol s'est rapproché à 275 points du Bâlois et pourrait s'installer sur le trône dès la semaine prochaine à Cincinnati.

La destitution de Federer semble d'ores et déjà programmée, tant les choses se sont accélérées ces dernières semaines. Au sommet du classement ATP depuis février 2004, Federer comptait une marge de 1445 points en début d'année sur Nadal, puis de 1145 unités il y a encore un mois avant Wimbledon.

Au-delà du plan comptable, c'est sur le terrain que Nadal a prouvé qu'il méritait son matricule de No 1. A Toronto, seul un Richard Gasquet en surrégime l'aura bousculé le temps d'un set perdu au tie-break. Tous les autres se sont cassés les dents.

En finale, le cas Nicolas Kiefer (ATP 37) n'a pas dérogé à la règle. Le vétéran de 31 ans, qui attend un victoire en tournoi depuis 2000, n'a eu sa chance qu'au cinquième jeu de la seconde manche quand il se procurait trois balles de break, toutes sauvées par Nadal. Ce dernier s'est lui octroyé quatre opportunités de prendre l'engagement de l'Allemand. Il les a toutes converties.

Nadal avait déjà enlevé le Masters Series du Canada, à Montréal en 2005 face à Andre Agassi en finale (son premier trophée sur dur). Son triomphe lors de l'édition 2008 lui a permis d'accrocher un trentième titre à son palmarès. Il est le troisième plus jeune joueur de l'histoire à atteindre ce cap, avec ses 22 ans et un mois. Seuls Bjorn Borg (21 ans et 7 mois) et Jimmy Connors (22 ans et 20 jours) s'étaient montrés plus précoces.

Sur la seule saison 2008, le Majorquin en est à sept tournois gagnés. Preuve de sa suprématie, ses adversaires les plus sérieux en comptent "seulement" trois pour Novak Djokovic ou Nikolay Davydenko, et deux pour Roger Federer et David Ferrer. De plus, avec 61 succès depuis janvier (contre 7 défaites), Nadal accumule une vingtaine de victoires de plus que tous les autres cadors du circuit.

Toujours au rayon des statistiques, Nadal a prolongé contre Kiefer son invincibilité à 29 matches. Le gaucher de Manacor n'a plus perdu depuis le deuxième tour du tournoi de Rome, début mai. Et encore, à l'époque, c'est perclus d'ampoules qu'il s'était incliné contre Juan Carlos Ferrero.


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Numéro 1 mondial
Numéro 1 mondial

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Féminin Localisation : region parisienne

Membre n° : 89
Nombre de messages : 3403
Inscription : 10/11/2007

TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Juil 2008 - 0:36

Rafa Nadal gana en Toronto y roza el número uno del mundo

TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Nadal-13

Agencias. 27.07.2008 - 21:45h

El español Rafael Nadal se adjudicó séptimo título de la temporada, el quinto consecutivo, tras imponerse por 6-3 y 6-2 al alemán Nicolas Kiefer en la final del Máster Series de Toronto.

Un cetro mundial que el español de 22 años podría lograr la próxima semana en el Master Series de Cincinnati, en el caso de que llegue a la final del torneo estadounidense y Federer, tal y como ha ocurrido en Toronto, sea eliminado a las primera de cambio.

El español ha entrado en una dinámica ganador dificil de cortar por sus rivales.

Una ecuación difícil, aunque factible en lo que concierne al español, que se alzó con su séptimo título de la temporada, el tercero en Máster Series tras sus triunfos en Montecarlo y Hamburgo, en apenas una hora y veintisiete minutos, pese a que el manacorí no dio en ningún momento la sensación de exprimirse al máximo.

Sin embargo, la dinámica ganadora en la que se encuentra inmerso el español, que no pierde desde el pasado 7 de mayo cuando cayó ante su compatriota Juan Carlos Ferrero en la segunda ronda del Master Series de Roma, permite a Nadal ganar encuentros como el de hoy, con el freno de mano aparentemente echado.

La semana que viene en Cincinatti se puede proclamar número 1 del mundo.

Unos cuantos golpes ganadores, la ya habitual seguridad con el servicio y, sobre todo, su capacidad para aprovechar la más mínima ocasión -dos de dos- para romper el saque de su rival, bastaron a Nadal para adjudicarse la primera manga por 6-3 en tan sólo treinta y nueve minutos de juego.

Un suspiro en comparación con lo que pareció durar el quinto juego del segundo y definitivo set, en el que Kiefer, que buscaba sobre el cemento de Toronto su primer título desde que se impuso en el año 2000 en Hong Kong, dispuso de hasta de tres bolas de rotura sobre el saque del español.

Dificultades que lograron despertar definitivamente a Rafael Nadal, que se agarró a la pista como sólo él sabe, hasta hacer subir a su marcador un juego (3-2) que acabó definitivamente con cualquier opción de victoria del tenista alemán.

Tal y como se comprobó unos minutos más tarde, cuando Kiefer dejó escapar un 30-0 a su favor con dos dobles faltas consecutivas, que abrieron a Nadal las puertas de una nueva rotura de servicio que el español materializó en su primera oportunidad (4-2).

Un "break" que acabó por desquiciar al germano, número treinta y siete del mundo, que volvió a perder su servicio en el octavo juego (6-2) ante un Nadal que no desperdició la primera bola de partido para sumar su quinto título consecutivo de la temporada.

Veintinueve victorias consecutivas sobre la tierra de Hamburgo y Roland Garros, la hierba de Queens y Wimbledom o el cemento de Toronto, que confirman a Nadal como el mejor tenista del año 2008 y una de las principales bazas del equipo español en los próximos Juegos Olímpicos de Pekín.


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Numéro 1 mondial
Numéro 1 mondial

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Féminin Localisation : region parisienne

Membre n° : 89
Nombre de messages : 3403
Inscription : 10/11/2007

TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Juil 2008 - 0:42

Nadal sans rival

TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 27070810

«Where is Federer ?» (Où est Federer ?) disait un panneau brandi dans les tribunes du Court central de Toronto. Si on ne sait pas où (en) est le n°1 mondial, on sait où est son dauphin, Rafael Nadal : partout.

Après avoir remporté son quatrième Roland-Garros d'affilée sur terre battue, son premier Wimbledon sur gazon, l'Espagnol (photo Reuters) a enlevé dimanche au Canada son quatrième Masters Series sur dur, après Montréal et Madrid en 2005 et Indian Wells l'an passé. «Je gagne sur herbe, sur dur, en salle, et sur terre battue aussi, a convenu Nadal lui-même après la finale. Si je joue mon meilleur tennis, je peux gagner sur chaque surface.»

La finale a été une simple formalité pour le Majorquin, qui a facilement dominé l'Allemand Nicolas Kiefer en deux manches (6-3, 6-2) et 1h30' de jeu. En quatre rencontres - toutes cette année -, l'Allemand, auteur d'une semaine canadienne remarquable, n'est toujours pas parvenu à prendre un set à l'Espagnol. C'est le septième titre de la saison pour Nadal, le trentième de sa carrière mais aussi son 29e succès d'affilée. Voilà beaucoup de chiffres que l'on pourrait résumer en un seul : 1, comme la place que Nadal est désormais plus que jamais en mesure d'occuper avant la fin de la saison sur dur. «Je dois être heureux, très heureux même, que je sois numéro un ou numéro deux, parce que si je suis numéro deux, c'est que devant moi, il y a un incroyable joueur comme Roger» a expliqué Nadal. Mais force est de reconnaître que depuis le début de l'année, le joueur incroyable, c'est surtout lui.

Pendant un jeu, Kiefer a pu y croire

Dès le début du match, l'Espagnol a paru mieux en jambes que son adversaire du jour, qui avait mis près de trois heures à se débarrasser de Gilles Simon en demi-finales. Après quatre premiers jeux relativement équilibrés, le gaucher planta sa première banderille avec un break qui lui permit de mener 3-2 suite à une volée manqué de Kiefer. L'Allemand, malmené dans les échanges, retrouva son jeu au cours d'une fin de set échevelée. C'est d'ailleurs Kiefer qui a inscrit le plus de points gagnants dans cette rencontre (17 contre 14 à Nadal). Malheureusement pour le 37e joueur mondial, deux fautes, l'une en coup droit et une double au service, allaient offrir le gain de la première manche à Nadal en 40 minutes de jeu.

Les fautes directes, ce fut la vraie plaie dans le jeu du trentenaire allemand, qui en commit deux fois plus que le jeune torero espagnol (31 contre 15). À l'instar du premier set, le cinquième jeu de la seconde manche fut un tournant. Kiefer s'offrit trois balles de break (ses trois seules du match) que Nadal sauva avec sa ténacité légendaire. Par deux fois à égalité, l'Espagnol sortit le grand jeu, d'abord avec un gigantesque coup droit droit lifté long de ligne puis par un smash de revers magnifique. Pendant quelques minutes, le match a atteint l'intensité d'une finale de Masters Series. Comme toujours, Nadal doucha les espoirs de son adversaire en remportant ce cinquième jeu très disputé, qui dura près d'un quart d'heure.

Il ne lui restait plus à attendre que son adversaire craque sur sa mise à jeu, ce qui ne manqua pas d'arriver dès le jeu suivant. Intraitable, Nadal remporta les deux jeux suivants sans coup férir, convertissant sa quatrième balle de break (sur quatre disputés) pour remporter son douzième titre en Masters Series. «Chaque tournoi est difficile, a souligné Nadal. J'ai gagné au Canada en 2005, remporter le titre ici est très, très important pour moi, spécialement cette année.» La dernière défaite de Nadal, essentiellement due à des ampoules, remonte au deuxième tour du tournoi de Rome, début mai, face à Juan Carlos Ferrero. Et l'on serait tenté de dire : mais que fait Federer ?


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Numéro 1 mondial
Numéro 1 mondial

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Féminin Localisation : region parisienne

Membre n° : 89
Nombre de messages : 3403
Inscription : 10/11/2007

TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Juil 2008 - 0:49

Irrésistible Nadal

TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 45523510


Rafael Nadal se rapproche encore un peu plus de la première place mondiale. Après ses succès à Hambourg, Roland-Garros, au Queen's et à Wimbledon, l'Espagnol a décroché un 5e titre consécutif en disposant de l'Allemand Nicolas Kiefer en finale du Masters Series de Toronto (6-3 6-2).

MS Toronto - Finale

Rafael Nadal (Esp, 2) bat Nicolas Kiefer (All) 6-3 6-2

L'ascension de Rafael Nadal vers le sommet de la hiérarchie mondiale semble inexorable. Après ses triomphes sur la terre battue du Masters Series de Hambourg et de Roland-Garros, sur le gazon du Queen's et de Wimbledon, le prodige espagnol a fait un pas de plus vers la place de numéro un mondial en trustant son 5e titre consécutif sur les courts en dur du MS de Toronto. Plus rien ne semble désormais pouvoir l'arrêter.

A 3 victoires du trône

Dans l'ombre de Roger Federer depuis plus de trois ans, le Majorquin a su se donner les moyens d'inverser la tendance. Alors que le Suisse paie manifestement encore les effets d'une mononucléose contractée en début d'année et une certaine lassitude, le quadruple vainqueur de Roland-Garros a su, lui, apporter les modifications nécessaires à son jeu pour se montrer aussi solide sur les surfaces rapides que sur sa chère terre battue. Désormais capable de prendre la balle plus tôt, d'imprimer des trajectoires plus directes et de s'appuyer sur un revers et un service plus percutants qu'en début de carrière, Rafael Nadal démontre au fil des semaines qu'il a maintenant les armes pour s'imposer sur toutes les surfaces. Le trône lui semble promis. Une demi-finale la semaine prochaine au Masters Series Cincinnati lui suffit pour renverser le Roi Roger.

Un 5e titre consécutif sans forcer

Le revenant Nicolas Kiefer n'a pas eu les moyens de stopper son inéluctable marche en avant. Certainement encore marqué par les efforts consentis en demi-finale face à Gilles Simon, l'Allemand n'a jamais été en mesure de résister au rouleau compresseur made in Manacor. Abandonné par sa première balle (47%) et malgré quelques coups d'éclats en coup droit, l'ancien de numéro 4 mondial en 2000 a subi de plein fouet la tornade majorquine, se rendant coupable d'un trop grand nombre de fautes directes (31 contre 15). Alors qu'il tirait la langue au terme de chaque long rallye de fond de court et se montrait trop fragile sur les points importants (0 balle de break convertie sur 4), Nadal se contentait de faire le travail. Sans génie, l'Espagnol rouait de coups son adversaire et grâce à une solidité sans faille dans le money-time (4 balles de break converties sur 4), s'offrait un 29e succès consécutif, au bon goût de première place mondiale.


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Numéro 1 mondial
Numéro 1 mondial

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Féminin Localisation : Douai/ Nord

Membre n° : 208
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Inscription : 08/05/2008

TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Juil 2008 - 12:38

Merci pour tous ces articles!
Ca fait plaisir de lire ça :-)
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TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Juil 2008 - 12:49

beaucoup de choses positives, c'est Magique ! merci pour tous ces si beaux articles ! Very Happy
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¤Caro Nadachou¤

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¤Caro Nadachou¤

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TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Juil 2008 - 15:29

Merci de ces articles vraiment agréable à lire!!!
Je suis vraiment très heureuse pour Nadal...c'est un bonheur...il le mérite vraiment. C'est une personne humble...BRAVO!
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Féminin Localisation : Ville d'Avray (92) (près de RG!^^)

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TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Juil 2008 - 16:00

L’avènement annoncé ?

TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 L-avenement-annonce_actus

Sur un nuage actuellement, Rafael Nadal peut détrôner Roger Federer en tête de la hiérarchie mondiale à Cincinnati. Un sacre quasi programmé qui pourrait, qui sait, tétaniser le bras de l’Espagnol…

Rafael Nadal est-il réellement imperméable à toute forme de pression ? A Roland Garros, où il est attendu chaque année comme l’immense favori, l’Espagnol a depuis longtemps fait la démonstration qu’un tel statut ne le perturbait pas le moins du monde. Mais cette place de numéro 1 mondial, qui lui semble promise dans les jours (ou semaines) à venir, ne risque-t-elle pas d’avoir un effet plus pernicieux sur la fantastique cavalcade du «Taureau de Manacor» ? On se souvient ainsi que l’an dernier, après sa finale à Wimbledon, Nadal paraissait en mesure de contester la suprématie de Roger Federer sur la planète tennis, avant de sombrer lors de la tournée américaine (défaite dès son entrée en lice à Cincinnati et en 8es de finale à l’US Open). Sauf qu’à l’époque, ce n’était pas le mental qui lui avait fait défaut, mais le physique. A tel point que certains doutaient de la capacité du joueur ibérique à durer dans le temps. Des doutes aujourd’hui en grande partie effacés par une fantastique série de 29 succès d’affilée, qui englobe un 4e titre Porte d’Auteuil, un premier à Wimbledon conquis de haute lutte et, enfin, un 12e en Masters Series à Toronto dimanche dernier, où il n’a laissé que des miettes au pauvre Nicolas Kiefer en finale (6/3 6/2).

Federer, demie impérative

Bref, pas besoin de vous faire un dessin : les petits pépins physiques de l’Espagnol appartiennent désormais à l’histoire et personne ne semble en mesure de l’arrêter, si ce n’est lui-même et une possible usure. A Cincinnati, le scénario qui l’amènerait sur le trône de la hiérarchie mondiale est simple. Il lui faut remporter le titre et espérer que Federer ne s’invite pas dans le dernier carré. Autrement dit, qu’un autre Gilles Simon vienne semer la pagaille prématurément, rôle qui pourrait revenir à un Mario Ancic par exemple, adversaire possible du Suisse en 8es de finale. A moins qu’il ne faille attendre Andy Roddick en quarts de finale, si l’Américain retrouve la clé pour battre Federer comme à Miami en mars dernier. Toujours est-il que Nadal, lui, est bien loin de ses préoccupations. Sur sa route, aucun obstacle ne paraît insurmontable. Pas même celui constitué par Mikhaïl Youzhny en 8es de finale, même si le Russe mène encore 4 succès à 3 face à l’Ibère sur dur. Ni celui représenté en quarts par David Ferrer, pourtant vainqueur de leurs deux derniers affrontements sur cette même surface.

Simon numéro 1 tricolore ?

Alors Nadal sera-t-il numéro 1 mondial à la fin de cette semaine ? Lui feint de ne pas y accorder trop d’importance : «Chaque joueur aimerait être numéro 1 mondial une fois dans sa vie, moi y compris. Cependant, aujourd’hui, je suis toujours numéro 2 et j’en suis très heureux car je sais que dans une situation normale, sans un joueur de la trempe de Roger Federer, avec ce que j’ai accompli jusqu’à présent, je l’aurais déjà été.» Et comme tout vient à qui sait attendre, le natif de Manacor peut légitiment espérer grimper d’un rang très prochainement. Tout comme Gilles Simon peut, lui, espérer devenir le numéro 1 tricolore. Désormais 14e mondial, le Niçois devra cependant pour cela prendre sa revanche sur Nicolas Kiefer, qui l’a éliminé en demi-finales à Toronto, dès le 1er tour. Mais le Français n’aura pas de pression sur une épreuve à laquelle il n’avait pas pris part l’an passé. Sauf que c’est quasiment aussi le cas de Richard Gasquet, disparu dès le 2e tour à Cincinnati en 2007 et qui affrontera Michaël Llodra pour la seconde fois en une semaine. A Toronto, le Gascon avait dû s’employer trois sets pour mettre à la raison son compatriote. Enfin, pour en finir côté français, on suivra avec attention Gaël Monfils, qui a hérité d’un 1er tour bien plus abordable qu’à Toronto (Donald Young plutôt qu’Igor Andreev), tandis que Paul-Henri Mathieu se mesurera à un autre Américain, Sam Querrey.


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TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Juil 2008 - 16:09

Merci pour tous ces articles les filles TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 283980
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Féminin Localisation : Ville d'Avray (92) (près de RG!^^)

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TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Juil 2008 - 16:15

Nadal Closes In On Federer After Toronto Win

TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Nadal_toronto7.2

Rafael Nadal (pictured) took a giant step towards dethroning Roger Federer at the top of the South African Airways ATP Rankings by capturing his 12th ATP Masters Series shield at the Rogers Cup in Toronto on Sunday, defeating Nicolas Kiefer 6-3, 6-2 in the title match.

Nadal, who has ranked No. 2 for a record 157 weeks, will become the new No. 1 next Sunday if he wins the title at the Western & Southern Financial Group Masters in Cincinnati and Federer loses before the semifinals. After Federer’s second round loss to Gilles Simon earlier this week, Nadal has now cut the gap to a mere 300 points and is potentially just one week away from ending Federer’s 234 week reign (since February 2004) at the top spot (see below).

"Every player wants to be No. 1, no? I would love to be No. 1, but I am No. 2 right now," said Nadal. "I'm very happy for be No. 2. Because with my titles, with my points, in a normal situation I, well, would have been No. 1 before. So I think I have to be happy, very happy anyway if I am No. 1 or No. 2. Because if I am No. 2 it's because in front of me there is amazing player like Roger (Federer)".

The victory is Nadal’s 30th ATP singles title, making him the third youngest player – at the age of 22 years, one month and 24 days – to capture 30 titles. He is behind only Bjorn Borg (21 years, 7 mos., 9 days) and Jimmy Conners (22 years, 20 days). His record in ATP singles finals now stands at an impressive 30-8 – four of those losses have come against Federer.

Mallorca native Nadal leads the ATP circuit with 61 match wins (61-7 record) and seven titles this season. The Manacor resident has won 29 straight matches since falling second round to Juan Carlos Ferrero at Masters Series Rome on May 7. He has since gone on to capture his first title at Masters Series Hamburg (d. Federer), his fourth successive Roland Garros title (d. Federer) and his first grass-court title at Queen’s Club (d. Djokovic), and to defeat five-time defending champion Federer in the Wimbledon final.


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Féminin Localisation : Dans un cabanon perdu en Espagne

Membre n° : 3
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Inscription : 02/08/2007

TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Juil 2008 - 16:55

Nadal se rapproche

TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 300x135_70858

Vincent DAVOLI - lundi 28 juillet 2008 - 12h53

Quelques semaines après avoir détrôné Roger Federer à Wimbledon, Rafael Nadal pourrait prendre la place du Suisse à la tête du tennis mondial. Une consécration qui récompenserait une progression fulgurante.

Rafael Nadal n’a jamais été aussi proche de la place de n°1 mondial. L’Espagnol, qui n’a plus perdu depuis le Masters Series de Rome et qui reste sur une série de 29 victoires consécutives, peut prendre la place de Roger Federer dès cette semaine à Cincinnati. Si le Suisse n’atteint pas les demi-finales et que le Majorquin remporte le tournoi ou si Federer perd au premier tour et que Nadal va en finale, ce dernier prendra place sur le trône du tennis mondial. En trois mois, le lauréat du dernier Wimbledon a ainsi refait un retard abyssal et démontré qu’il ferait un beau n°1 mondial en remportant des tournois sur trois surfaces différentes.

Car c’est bien sur ce point que Nadal a progressé. Débarqué sur le circuit en maître de la terre battue, l’Espagnol a su, au fil des années, progresser sur toutes les surfaces. Au point de remporter Wimbledon sur un gazon londonien qui ne correspondait pas du tout à son jeu au début de sa carrière. Si cette progression a surpris le monde des observateurs, elle n’a pas étonné son oncle et entraîneur, Toni Nadal. Lorsqu’il a débuté le tennis, Rafael Nadal jouait des deux mains des deux côtés. Son oncle, qui avait peur que le jeu de son neveu soit limité, lui a donc proposé de passer à un jeu à une main. Droitier naturel, « Rafa » possédait un coup fort côté gauche.

Un mental d’acier et un physique hors norme

Toni Nadal lui impose donc de jouer de la main gauche. Qu’importe, l’Espagnol se plie aux exigences de son entraîneur et devient donc le gaucher que l’on connaît. Cette anecdote démontre à quel point Rafael Nadal est capable de s’adapter à toutes les situations. Pas étonnant dès lors de le voir progresser aussi rapidement. Pas étonnant non plus qu’il pose autant de problèmes à ses adversaires. Le choix de l’oncle Toni s’est avéré très judicieux tant les gauchers sont rares sur le circuit (ils sont deux dans les 50 premiers en comptant Nadal). Mais les résultats du n°2 mondial ne tiennent pas qu’à cette statistique. Rafael Nadal possède également deux armes redoutables : son mental et son physique.

Dans les catégories de jeunes, le Majorquin était souvent dominé par Richard Gasquet. Mais le « taureau de Manacor » a très peu fréquenté le circuit junior. Alors que son rival français remportait Roland Garros, Nadal, lui, se batissait un physique hors norme. Au point d’être le meilleur dans ce domaine dès sa première année complète sur le circuit. Mentalement, l’Espagnol est également redoutable. Il joue chaque point avec la même intensité quel que soit le score. Pas question de lâcher pour Nadal même lorsque son corps lui ordonne de le faire, comme à Rome cette année. Cette semaine à Cincinnati, si Federer veut conserver sa place, il ne devra donc compter que sur lui-même. Et certainement pas sur une défaillance de son meilleur ennemi.


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Citation :
Si le Suisse n’atteint pas les demi-finales et que le Majorquin remporte le tournoi ou si Federer perd au premier tour et que Nadal va en finale, ce dernier prendra place sur le trône du tennis mondial.

Davoli a pas tout compris, on dirait....

Il suffit que Rafa aille en demies, et meme les perdent... et que Fed fasse ce qu'il veut.... pour que Rafa soit Number Wouane
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MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Juil 2008 - 20:14

Ahlala tous ces articles, quel bonheur!
Ca va faire bizarre de le voir n°1 dis donc!
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TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Juil 2008 - 8:26

An interview with Rafael Nadal

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
R. Nadal / J. Levine
6‑4, 6‑2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You had a rough start today seems like.
THE MODERATOR: (Through translation.)
RAFAEL NADAL: Especially the first games, no? Not easy play the first round never, and especially when I have one week off after Wimbledon. I only have some day for practice, so it's tough start, no?
Important think I can come back and finally I won, so happy for be, well, in third round right now.

Q. He admitted that after the start he started to get nervous. Did you see that on him?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. I think he start playing very well, no? Very inside the court and very aggressive play and amazing shots.
Well, after some games I start to feeling a little bit better, no? I start to moving a little bit more him. He can't play the ball with the same, well, not easier than before because I put the ball a little bit more to the sides.
For that reason I think he start to have more mistakes than the beginning, no?

Q. Playing on clay is much more natural for you than playing on hard courts. So when you're playing on hard courts, mentally what do you have to remind yourself to do?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know yet, no? It's the first match, so it's very early for the conclusions and for think what I have to do, no?
Sure, when I play on clay my game is more natural, no, because I play a lot of matches, more matches on clay than hard. My natural game is adapted to clay, but when I play on hard I feel good, no?
Today wasn't my best match obviously, but I didn't feel very bad after the beginning. I know going to be tough tournament, and just hopefully play better tomorrow. If I not playing better I going to have a lot of problems. I have tough opponent in Andreev.

Q. Did you make any adjustments to your focus on different things that have to do?

RAFAEL NADAL: I think not much, no? Because I play this year on clay very aggressive all the time, similar than what I have to do on this surface, no? Not a lot of difference, no?
My goal here is play similar than when I play on clay. When I play on clay this year I play very inside the court, very aggressive, moving, having the control of the point more times than before. So that's what I have to do here.

Q. How bad was the wind today at the beginning?
RAFAEL NADAL: Wind is always there, especially in big center courts the wind is moving. But that's normal for us, I think, no? Nothing new.

Q. That was a very long rain delay. Did you do anything special or interesting to pass the time?
RAFAEL NADAL: I play foosball. I don't know, you know. In Spanish the foosball, billiards, darts. I don't know in English. That's what I did.

Q. Did the delay affect you at all, the waiting?
RAFAEL NADAL: After last year in Wimbledon everything is fine.

Q. Were you surprised at all by how much Spanish support you had in the crowd today?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, it was a nice support, no? Probably the court wasn't that full. It was a tough day for the rain and for everything, but the people support me a lot here. We just can say thanks to the crowd here.
Well, I have big memories of Canada now. I won my first hard court in Montreal, so it's a nice memories.

Q. In the second set at one point you just seemed to kind of fall down. It was hard to tell what happened.
THE MODERATOR: (From translation.) His coordination.
RAFAEL NADAL: I serve and I didn't found (tapping foot) for put the right foot on the floor, no? I didn't found the place.

Q. What do you have to improve tomorrow against Andreev?
RAFAEL NADAL: A lot of things, no? I don't know exactly, no, but a lot of things. Maybe I going to improve, that's for sure, because I have one match. The first match always is difficult.
I have to move better than today, that's for sure. Later if I move better everything going to be a little bit easier, because I am touching the ball good when I am practicing. The movement is a little bit different here on hard, and adapt a little bit the movement, no, and play a little bit more aggressive with the backhand, that's for sure.
Probably change a little bit more the rhythm. Play some balls with more topspin and other ones flat. That's going to be important. But especially playing with more intensity.

Q. This was Jesse's first match against a top opponent like yourself. Were you impressed with him enough that you feel he may become a top American player?
RAFAEL NADAL: How old is he?

Q. Twenty.
RAFAEL NADAL: He's young, so he can be a very good player. He has facility, good talent for go inside the court and have very good shots. In the beginning he was serving well. He's a good lefty serve, so I think he can play good. Why not, no?

Q. Were you maybe expecting Berdych in the next round? Remembering two years ago here, are you a little bit happy that it's Andreev?
RAFAEL NADAL: That doesn't matter for me. I know both opponents going to be very difficult. Andreev was two years ago, so doesn't matter if it's Andreev or Berdych. I don't know.
I beat Berdych in different surfaces in the last, well, last years, no? So I know Berdych is very tough opponent, but Andreev going to be very tough, too.

Q. Back to his serve, he had a majority of his second serves come to you. Did you make a point of playing him more aggressively on his second serve?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't think so, no? Maybe I have to play a little bit more aggressive for the next matches, no? Today, nothing ‑‑ well, I just know how tough going to be the first round. Just try to do everything normal, no? Try to play normal match. Just put the ball inside and trying to find good feelings without doing special things, no?

Q. It seemed his best shot today was the two‑handed backhand. Is that something you knew about him going into the match, that maybe that was one of his better shots?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I didn't know him before. I never saw him playing before. When he was inside the court and played aggressive backhand it's very dangerous shot, no?

Q. Do you feel more pressure after your Wimbledon win and now going into the US Open and hard court tournaments?
RAFAEL NADAL: Why more, no? If I feel something different it's less pressure, because anyway if I lost here tomorrow, if I lose in the US Open, well, my season going to be a very good season, no? Winning two Grand Slams already, I have two Masters Series, two more tournaments, so that's very good season for me, no?
Right now just continuing to try to improve my hard court season. After Wimbledon last two years wasn't my best in this part of the season.
But pressure, not. Less than then, I think.

Q. Ever since you were very young you've talked about wanting to win Wimbledon. That was the big dream. Now you've done it. What's the big dream now?
RAFAEL NADAL: Right now is just try to play good tournament here in Toronto, no?

Q. But overall...
RAFAEL NADAL: I understand your question, but I am not thinking too much about ‑‑ if you want my answer is be No. 1, not right now. Just I'm focus on continuing playing well. Just I know if I continuing playing like the four last months I going to have my chances for be No. 1 and play a good tournament here and US Open.
So my goal is not be No. 1 or win US Open. My goal is continue playing like I did last months. That's my goal right now, and try and play a very good tournament here in Toronto.

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TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Juil 2008 - 8:31

An interview with Rafael Nadal

Thursday, July 24, 2008
R. Nadal / I. Andreev
6-2, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Are you happy about your performance tonight?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, for sure. I play a very good match. 100% better than yesterday. Just very happy for how I play today, no?
For win Andreev I have to play well, no? So I did today, and it's important for me be in this semifinal.

Q. The first two sets looked like Federer last night a bit: Easy first set and a tough second one. Were you concerned in the second set about maybe dropping this game?
RAFAEL NADAL: If I was a little bit?

Q. Concerned in the second set.
RAFAEL NADAL: If I was a little bit worried about the second set because Federer happened the same yesterday?

Q. Uh‑huh.
RAFAEL NADAL: Doesn't matter Federer or me, no? I think it's completely different matches. I don't know. I am not looking if David Ferrer (sic) lost the second set or have a tough second set. If I have to look what Federer is do, it's nonsense, something like this, no? Just I am focus on me, no?
I know I going to have tough sets and tough matches, no? So the 7‑6 against Andreev is nothing strange, no? It's completely normal.

Q. Did you watch the Federer match yesterday? And either way, what was your general impression?
RAFAEL NADAL: I watch some things, some games, because I was waiting for my match, doubles, no? So, well, in my opinion he had a lot of chances and he had chances for win in two sets.
In the third he has break up, so he had two times, I think. He had a little bit unlucky with some points, and in the end Simon play very well, no?

Q. Since your winning match by match, don't think ‑‑ and Federer has lost already ‑‑ don't you think that he's now chasing you instead of you chasing him like this was before?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think nobody is chasing everybody, no? Federer and me, we are trying our best in every tournament where we play, no?
So finally, we will see. Right now it's true. The points are closer than ever. But, you know, every day we do our best, no?

Q. Don't you think that since Yannick Noah left and since Djokovic earlier said that he finished with mimicking everyone on the court, that some entertaining is just get out of the tennis, of the game? It's just became just fine job, no more entertaining?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think this is not a show, no? I think this is a sport. Everyone can do what they want. My opinion, the show or the star is the tennis. It's not the imitation of no one.
So I think if the people wants to watch tennis, it's because the tennis is world sport and they want to watch the tennis, no, the matches, not the imitation.

Q. I know we're asking a lot about the Federer match, but the result had a big impact. Do you see it as significant that he lost so early, or do you think it's something that shouldn't be paid that much attention to?
RAFAEL NADAL: You guys, I think you really don't know how tough is play Miami, Davis Cup, Monte‑Carlo, Rome, Barcelona, Hamburg, Roland Garros, Halle or Queen's next week after Wimbledon.
So a lot of the matches and a lot of tournaments, well, without a stop. So after Wimbledon, tough match in the final, the body, after one match like this, after one tournament like this, is going a little bit down. For me, too.
I won and I feel that ‑‑ I feel that, no? Well, he lost important match I think for him, and maybe he has to be a little bit worse than me. So you don't know how tough is be another time 100% in one week, one week and a half.
Because you have to be here, and Federer yesterday plays against Simon. Simon came here winning the last tournament the week before. It's a very tough match for be the first match after being long time without playing on hard and with only some days of practice, no?

Q. That's why we're asking you, because you know how tough it is.
RAFAEL NADAL: For that reason I answer you. (Laughter).

Q. Are you surprised that Andreev played as well as he did after he turned his ankle in the first set?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. No Andreev is a very good player. I didn't surprise nothing of him.

Q. Could you tell that he was in pain or anything?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think he was fine. You know, sometimes have a little bit bad movement in the ankle, but later feels good. If you twist the ankle more it's very difficult to continuing playing.
But I have sometimes a little bit twist and later you can play normal, no? So finally I am very happy for him, because it's tough to have an injury in this part of season. You have Olympics and Cincinnati and US Open, so a lot of important things.

Q. How is your golf game and what is your handicap right now?
RAFAEL NADAL: 11. So my golf game depends of the day, but not very good.

Q. What are your plans before the US Open?
RAFAEL NADAL: The normal thing: Play here and Cincinnati and Olympics, play the US Open. So that's the plan, but you never know, no?

Q. Can you talk about your next match a little bit? Gasquet won the first set.
RAFAEL NADAL: Both players are very good players. David Ferrer is a No. 4 or 5 in the world, and Gasquet is a very good player. This year he's not playing his best, but in the last weeks he's playing much better than before.
Both players are very tough. Just I have to play my best tennis if I want to win tomorrow, no?

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Féminin Localisation : Dans un cabanon perdu en Espagne

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Inscription : 02/08/2007

TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Juil 2008 - 8:34

An interview with Rafael Nadal

Friday, July 25, 2008
R. Nadal / R. Gasquet
6‑7, 6‑2, 6‑1

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What did you think of that first set? That was a very tough, long tiebreak.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, very tough, no? I had two times break for me in the first set, so, well, he returned well. I had some mistakes. Well, in the tiebreak, you know, it was emotional tiebreak. I have my chance, but he has more than me.
Finally he play a little bit better and he beat me the tiebreak, no? Yeah, it was a nice first set.

Q. What did you think of the way he played, especially the first set?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, he played well, no? It's nothing new. Richard is a very good player, so I know how good can play Gasquet, no? So just he did well, especially in the first set.
Later I maybe improve a little bit the intensity, the rhythm. I start to move him a little bit more, and, you know, he had a little bit more mistakes.
Well, it's difficult after won first set, tough first set like this, start the second set at 100%, no? If you win the tiebreak maybe you can start the second set a little bit more relax, no? I know that.

Q. Did you feel like he started to wear down as the match went on, started to get tired and slow a little bit as the match went on?
RAFAEL NADAL: I feel that I have to continuing playing my game. I have to move him. The match is long, no? He was playing unbelievable winners, no? But after one very long set like this, if I can continue and improve a little bit more my rhythm, it's difficult because you feel a little bit more tired, no?

Q. He said that he thinks you're the best player in the world without a doubt right now. You haven't said that, but do you believe that?
RAFAEL NADAL: Thank you Richard for the words, no? But the ranking says I'm the No. 2, so I feel the No. 2.

Q. You're undefeated against and Murray, your opponent tomorrow. Is that a factor when getting prepared for a match? Do you think about stuff like that?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know, no? I prefer my position than his position, because, you know, sometimes when you didn't win against another one it's tough.
But at the same time, you know, every match is completely different, no? But, you know, Murray didn't win never against Djokovic, and today he did. He beat Djokovic.
So every match is completely different and anything can happen, no? He's playing at very good level because he beat Wawrinka and right now Djokovic. Both players are very good. I have to play very well if I want to have chances for win, no?

Q. The decision to bring Toni with you as opposed to Francisco Roig, who usually accompanies you to the hard court tournaments after Wimbledon. Is that because this year you won Wimbledon and you're getting closer to becoming No. 1 and Toni needs to examine a little bit more what it takes to becoming No. 1?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think I doesn't affect nothing if it's Toni here or Francisco Roig, no? Toni is coming here because after is Peking, and Francisco is coming to Peking. Toni don't want to go to Peking. For Toni be one month and a half he prefers come here and for don't come to Peking. Doesn't matter for the No. 1.
The true, we don't think about that, no? We think about play very good tournament here in Toronto like every year, no?

Q. Being so close, now that you've defended your points from last year's tournament and with Roger losing so many. After almost 160 weeks at No. 2, how does it feel to be so close that many weeks at No. 2 to taking over the ranking, which is now pretty much a mathematical certainty in the next month?
RAFAEL NADAL: I feel I am in semifinal of Toronto. Here is very good tournament, no? I feel I want to play very good match tomorrow for have chance for win another title here in Canada, no? So that's my goal right now.

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Féminin Localisation : Dans un cabanon perdu en Espagne

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Inscription : 02/08/2007

TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Toronto 2008   TMS Toronto 2008 - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Juil 2008 - 8:38

An interview with Rafael Nadal

Saturday, July 26, 2008
R. Nadal / A. Murray
7-6, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You didn't have a chance to play Djokovic or Federer this week, but you looked very good against Gasquet and Murray with two really good hard court players. Talk about your comments going into tomorrow and the rest of the hard court season.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, first of all, my only expectation is to try and play a good match tomorrow, and if possible win the title. I said when I arrive here I don't think about No. 1 and I don't think about the hard court season or US Open or Olympics, I think about Toronto.
So Toronto is very important tournament. It's the first big tournament on hard after the clay and grass court season, so my goal is try to play a good tournament here, no? I did a very good tournament. I played a very good tournament already, but tomorrow makes a lot of difference win or lose one final, no?

Q. How will you compare your victory tonight with the other opponents?
RAFAEL NADAL: Today compared with other matches?

Q. Yes.
RAFAEL NADAL: It's impossible compare the matches, no? Every match is completely different. I play against very good Andy today because he ‑‑ my opinion he played one of his best matches against me.
So I did very good, no? I played a very good tennis for that reason, and finally I have the victory.

Q. You're on a 30‑match winning streak over clay, grass, and now hard court. How do you feel your hard court game is compared to last year or the year before where you struggled just a little bit on hard court?
RAFAEL NADAL: The true, I never want to compare years, no, because every year is different. The moment, the situation, the confidence. I said I feel better player than last year, no? I feel I improve some things, but probably I am coming here with good confidence, no?

Q. You said that you could not compare each match because every match is different. Do you not feel that your standard went up much higher tonight?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think I played a very good first set against Andreev. Yesterday I played a very good match. I was very focused mentally all the time because Gasquet was playing very good winners.
Sure, he has more mistakes after the first set, no, but he has more mistakes for any reason.
So I think I move a little more him than before and I play more to the lines, so more close to the lines. For that reason he start to have more mistakes.
Today I know how tough is play against Andy. He plays very aggressive. Today all the time returning, serving. I was very focused all the time, no? Only one mistake in the second set with my first serve with the 3‑1 for 4‑1. For the rest I play a very good match.

Q. I imagine it's difficult to get back into it after Wimbledon. Do you feel you've done that now that you're back into the swing and playing as you would like to play?
RAFAEL NADAL: I am playing well, no? Nothing to say about how I am playing. I am very happy about how I am playing first tournament on hard.
I am doing well, so I am very happy for be in the final. It's very important for start the hard season like this for me, no?

Q. Sometimes you get code violations for taking too much time, but usually you don't react. Today it seemed to bother you.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, I agree. If I lose more time than what I can, I agree, they have to put me the time violation. So I never says nothing, no?
But, well, a lot of times in the last months I feeling ‑‑ I feel they put me warnings, time violation, in very important points, no?
Today, for example, in the first breakpoint against, or one of the first breakpoints against, he puts me the time violation, no, when I was ready to serve.
Sometimes, a lot of times, they put me the warning at 4‑4, 5‑4, 30‑All. So I didn't ‑‑ normally I didn't say nothing, no? But today, well, that's bother me, because it's another time the same, in important moment, no?
No, I agree they have to put me the warning, but they can put the warning in the 3‑All. Because if I am losing the time I am losing the same time in the 3‑All than in 3‑1, 15‑40, no?

Q. How confident are you that you can win the US Open this year and make it three Slams in a row?
RAFAEL NADAL: Right now I'm confident to play the final of tomorrow. Try my best tomorrow. Most important thing for me right now is not the US Open, it's Toronto.
When I will be in the US Open the most important thing will be the US Open, no? But there are many important tournaments before.

Q. You mentioned in a TV interview after, when you were smiling, that you enjoy playing here in Canada and the reaction that you get from the crowd. Talk a little bit about that.

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, the crowd was unbelievable with me all the days, no? When I arrive here, all the days they support me a lot when I am playing. And when I am not playing, too, when I am going to practice.
So I feel a lot the support of the crowd here. Well, I just can say thanks. It's very nice experience for me play in Canada and be in another final in Canada after three years, so just thanks to the crowd of Canada in Toronto here.

Q. You still talk a lot about wanting to improve your game. What are some of the specific things you're still trying to get better at?
RAFAEL NADAL: I want to continuing serving better, no? I improve my serve, it's true, but if I want to win a little bit more matches a little bit easier without having problems with my serve, I have to continuing improve serving a little bit more close to the lines, a little bit with more power.
So that's what I am working on, no? And always you can improve a little bit more the winner, the backhand, forehand, too. No, but happy with my forehand. I improved a lot the slice, so...
But always you can continuing improvement.

Q. You played Kiefer three times this year. Talk a little bit about the type of player he is.
RAFAEL NADAL: He's a very aggressive player, no? Very good serve. He's going good to the volley. Well, he has a powerful forehand, no, when he play aggressive, no?
He has not bad control, very good control with the backhand. So I just try to ‑‑ I gonna try to play aggressive match, no? I gonna to try to play inside the court and try to move him, because he didn't play as comfortable as he want, no?

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