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 TMS Miami 2008

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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyVen 4 Avr 2008 - 21:02

Ca a duré largement moins de 4h je pense que cette fois ca devrait gérer beaucoup mieux TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 189714
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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyVen 4 Avr 2008 - 21:08

Ouai et avec un jour de repos en plus
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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyVen 4 Avr 2008 - 21:09

Oui c'est beaucoup mieux calculé qu'à Indian Wells :smile:
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raf' 4 ever

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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyVen 4 Avr 2008 - 21:10

A indian c'est 4 jours de repos au milieu et après 4 matchs de suite Suspect c'est sur on a deja fait mieu TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 189714
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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyVen 4 Avr 2008 - 21:12

MS Miami - Nadal assure son rang

TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 255300564

Rafael Nadal est parvenu à battre Tomas Berdych en deux sets pour assurer une seconde fois sa place en finale du Masters Series de Miami. Battu en 2005 par Roger Federer, l'Espagnol affrontera Andy Roddick ou Nikolay Davydenko pour décrocher le 24e titre de sa carrière.


Rafael Nadal a vaincu le signe indien. Après avoir buté par trois fois sur Tomas Berdych sur dur, l'Espagnol a réussi à prendre le meilleur sur cet adversaire à Miami. Le N.2 mondial peut se réjouir : en s'offrant le scalp du 10e mondial, Nadal pourra rejouer la finale du tournoi floridien, perdue il y a trois saisons face à Roger Federer. Cette année, il devra faire face à Andy Roddick ou Nikolay Davydenko qui s'affrontent dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi.

Sa victoire a été pliée... en fin de premier set après 1h11 de match. Cette manche a été remportée après un jeu décisif, arraché par le Tchèque qui avait tout de même sauvé trois balles de set auparavant. La chaleur et son inconstance à l'échange (35 fautes directes sur l'ensemble du match) ont mis fin à ses espoirs de disputer sa première finale de la saison. Avant cela, le meilleur résultat de Tomas Berdych était un quart de finale à Sydney.

Un 24e titre dans le viseur

Bien plus frais, l'Espagnol a ensuite enfoncé le clou en prenant le service de son adversaire d'entrée de seconde manche. Avant de conclure le match en enchaînant trois jeux blancs. Vaincu plus par ses maladresses que par les coups gagnants de son adversaire, moins nombreux que ses fautes, le Tchèque n'a pas pu surclasser de nouveau l'Ibérique, comme à Cincinnati (2005), Toronto et Madrid (2006).

Toujours en quête de son premier titre en 2008, Rafael Nadal jouera sa seconde finale de la saison, après une première perdue à Madras en tout début de saison face à Mikhail Youzhny. A l'heure de disputer sa treizième finale de Masters Series, il visera un 24e trophée en carrière pour succéder à Novak Djokovic.


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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyVen 4 Avr 2008 - 21:13

Nadal n'en fait qu'une bouchée

04/04/2008 - 21:10 Par ERIC DELTOUR

De Sports.fr Accroché au cours d'un premier set très disputé, qui laissera bien des regrets à son adversaire, Rafael Nadal n'a malgré tout eu besoin vendredi que de deux manches (7-6, 6-2) pour écarter de sa route le Tchèque Thomas Berdych, qui l'avait pourtant toujours dominé sur surface rapide mais qui n'a pas su surmonter la perte du tie-break initial. L'Espagnol donne rendez-vous en finale de ce Masters Series de Miami au vainqueur du match qui oppose dans la nuit le Russe Nikolay Davydenko à l'Américain Andy Roddick.

TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Nadal_vsberdych_re
Nadal n'a pas forcé son talent dans cette demi-finale. (Reuters)

Après James Blake au tour précédent, Rafael Nadal a une nouvelle fois chassé l'un des rares démons qui sur le circuit l'empêchent de s'exprimer à sa guise. Opposé au Tchèque Tomas Berdych, qui l'avait dominé à trois reprises en trois confrontations sur dur, l'Espagnol avait toutes les raisons d'être sur ses gardes pour ne pas connaître une grosse désillusion au moment de disputer sa troisième demi-finale du début de saison après l'Open d'Australie et Indian Wells. Bien lui en a pris car Berdych a, le temps d'un premier set très disputé, laissé à penser qu'il était une fois encore en mesure de jouer un vilain tour à un Nadal dont on sait qu'il ne porte pas franchement le Tchèque dans son coeur depuis un incident survenu à Madrid en 2006...

Une première manche au cours de laquelle Berdych allait se procurer les trois premières balles de break. Mais autant il avait su faire preuve d'un impeccable réalisme au tour précédent face à Igor Andreev en sauvant les trois balles de break qu'il avait eu à défendre et en concrétisant ses deux seules opportunités de s'emparer du service du Russe, autant, face à Nadal, cette fois, il allait laisser passer sa chance. Trop timoré, le Tchèque commettait l'irréparable face à un adversaire contre lequel la moindre opportunité vaut de l'or. Dans la foulée, l'Ibère profitait de la baisse de régime du lauréat de Paris-Bercy 2005, auteur de deux fautes grossières, pour signer le premier break de la rencontre (5-3).

Berdych s'écroule dans le deuxième set

Le mérite de Berdych, qui s'y entend à merveille pour agresser Nadal par ses attaques de revers ou de coup droit, était alors de ne pas céder mais bien de relever le défi. S'emparant du service de son adversaire dans la foulée pour revenir à 5 jeux à 4, tout en sauvant au passage une première balle de set, il en écartait deux de plus pour égaliser finalement à 5 jeux partout. C'est au jeu décisif que les deux hommes allaient se départager. Là encore, Berdych donnait l'impression de céder pour mieux revenir à hauteur. Nadal s'échappait 3-1, puis 6-3, mais à chaque fois la tête de série n°10 recollait. Mais à six points partout, un passing mal maîtrisé et surtout une double faute précipitait la perte de ce premier set pour un Berdych dont l'acharnement était plombé par ses trop nombreuses fautes directes (24 pour ce seul premier set). Quand Nadal, lui, avait su se montrer irréprochable ou presque sur son engagement avec 73% de points gagnés sur premières balles.

Autant Berdych avait su se révéler pugnace dans ce premier acte, autant il ne se parviendrait pas à se relever de cet échec initial. Un break concédé d'entrée, suivi d'un jeu blanc de Nadal permettait à l'Espagnol, vainqueur de huit des neuf premiers points de cette seconde manche, de s'envoler (2-0). Un nouveau jeu blanc sur le service du Tchèque sonnait l'hallali pour Berdych (5-2). Un dernier jeu de service impeccable offrait à Nadal sa deuxième finale de la saison après celle perdue à Chennai. Le n°2 mondial pouvait attendre son futur adversaire en toute sérénité, déjà assuré de profiter à plein au classement ATP des éliminations prématurées de ses deux grands rivaux, Djokovic et Federer.


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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyVen 4 Avr 2008 - 21:16

L’aventure continue

TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 L-aventure-continue_actus
Nadal a battu Berdych pour la première fois sur dur (Panoramic)

Rafael Nadal s’est qualifié pour la finale du tournoi de Miami en sortant Tomas Berdych (7/6 6/2). L’Espagnol semble parfaitement lancé pour attaquer la saison sur terre battue.

par Bastien Aubert, le 04-04-2008

La double faute de trop

Jamais dans sa vie de joueur, Rafael Nadal n’avait battu Tomas Berdych sur surface dure. La seule fois où il avait pris le dessus sur lui sur un revêtement autre que la terre battue, c’était à Wimbledon, l’été dernier. Ce vendredi, en demi-finales de Key Biscayne, il a enfin brisé cette mauvaise série avec une certaine élégance. Il était pourtant mis sous pression dès le début de la partie. Ainsi, il devait effacer trois balles de break avant le fameux 7e jeu pour continuer de faire la course en tête. Les frappes sèches du compagnon de Lucie Safarova faisaient régulièrement mouche mais celui-ci péchait dans le dernier geste. Ce manque de réalisme lui coûtait sa mainmise sur la rencontre ainsi que sa mise en jeu. Nadal, fort du premier break du match, servait pour assurer le gain du set inaugural mais un revers de défense hors des limites remettait Berdych sur les bons rails.

Nadal gère son avance

Seul le jeu décisif pouvait départager les deux joueurs et le Majorquin réalisait le mini-break d’emblée avant de le confirmer dans la foulée par un service gagnant sur le T (3 points à 1). Dominateur, il devait toutefois attendre la 4e balle de set pour prendre l’avantage sur la 2e double faute de son vis-à-vis (7/6, 8 points à 6). Le Tchèque avait clairement pris un coup sur la tête et ne bougeait plus aussi bien. D’ailleurs, il perdait sa mise en jeu très tôt et ne parvenait pas à refaire son retard. Pire, il était déconnecté du court et concédait un double break. Nadal, opportuniste, n’avait même plus à forcer son talent et s’offrait même une volée rétro juste avant de boucler la partie sur un jeu blanc (7/6 6/2). Andy Roddick ou Nikolay Davydenko sera son prochain adversaire en finale.


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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyVen 4 Avr 2008 - 21:17

Plein soleil pour Nadal

TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 66396_NADAL_040408

Rédaction Sport365 - vendredi 04 avril 2008 - 20h55

Rafael Nadal a conquis avec autorité son billet pour la finale de Miami, vendredi face à Tomas Berdych. Vainqueur en deux sets (7-6, 6-2), l'Espagnol tentera dimanche de remporter son dixième Masters Series contre Roddick ou Davydenko.

Depuis un bouillant face-à-face à Madrid en 2006, les rencontres entre Rafael Nadal et Tomas Berdych traînent une légère odeur de poudre. Les meilleurs ennemis du circuit se sont pourtant quittés sur une belle poignée de main vendredi à Miami, le succès du premier ne souffrant d’aucune contestation. Le numéro deux mondial aura tout de même cravaché un set face au Tchèque, qui restait sur quatre succès express lors de ses précédents matchs face à Querrey, Ferrero, Tursunov et Andreev, avec moins de cinq jeux concédés en moyenne par match.

Au cours d’une manche inaugurale marquée par une avalanche de fautes directes, le Majorquin parvenait à tout de même à faire le premier break pour se détacher 5 jeux à 3. Mais Berdych se montrait enfin plus précis pour sauver une balle de set et récupérer l’engagement perdu au meilleur moment. Sous la menace deux nouvelles balles de set lors du jeu suivant, il prenait le filet à bon escient pour écarter le danger.

Les deux hommes finissaient donc pas en découdre au tie-break. Une nouvelle fois, Nadal se détachait le premier pour prendre la tête 6-3, avant de gaspiller trois autres balles de première manche. Mais Berdych mettait finalement tous ses efforts à bât en commettant deux fautes directes pour céder 8 points à 6, en 1h11’. Le Tchèque n’allait jamais se relever de ce scénario et lâchait le second acte 6-2 en 30 minutes. Grâce à ce succès, Rafael Nadal confirme que sa solidité de terrien est de plus en plus exportable sur dur. Ne lui reste plus qu’un dernier coup de collier à produire face à Andy Roddick ou Nicolay Davydenko pour clore en beauté sa tournée américaine. Une occasion également de remporter son dixième Masters Series et un premier titre en 2008, après lequel son grand rival Roger Federer court toujours.


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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptySam 5 Avr 2008 - 9:54

Nadal: "Qu'on laisse Federer tranquille !"

TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Nadal-Qu-on-laisse-Federer-tranquille-118692

Samedi 5 avril 2008 - 5:59

L'Espagnol Rafael Nadal est venu à la rescousse de son principal rival au sommet du classement mondial ATP, le Suisse Roger Federer, en affirmant vendredi à Miami que les "gens parlent trop" des récents échecs du Suisse.

"Je crois que les gens parlent trop de Roger en ce moment. Actuellement, il +n'y est pas+ mais c'est difficile d'être toujours à 100¨%", a déclaré Nadal, en commentant l'élimination jeudi de Federer en quarts de finale du tournoi de Miami, face à l'Américain Andy Roddick.

"Ces trois ou quatre dernières années, il a eu des résultats extraordinaires. Et encore maintenant, ce n'est pas si mauvais. Il joue la demi-finale en Australie et à Indian Wells. Là, il va en quarts de finale. Il est humain", a-t-il poursuivi.

"Même si on n'est pas habitué à le voir perdre ces tournois, je crois qu'il faut aussi dire que le niveau se resserre. Mais Roger a une capacité à se récupérer de situation difficile. Alors, je crois que c'est injuste de dire du mal de Roger", a conclu le Majorquin après sa qualification pour la finale du tournoi de Miami où il affrontera le Russe Nikolay Davydenko dimanche.

Federer, N.1 mondial depuis 218 semaines, est toujours en quête de son premier titre cette année.


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Numéro 1 mondial
Numéro 1 mondial

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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptySam 5 Avr 2008 - 16:20

ouai c'est vrai il est humain on lui demande toujours de gagner ... en gros rafa vient de me casser merci TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 189714
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Numéro 1 mondial
Numéro 1 mondial

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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptySam 5 Avr 2008 - 17:42

Oh C'est ti pas mignon ça, Rafa qui se fait l'avocat de Milka?! C'est ça qui est bien chez Rafa, défendeur de la veuve et de l'orphelin.
En meme temps, les gens disent que Fed gagne trop, mais quand il perd ils sont pas contents non plus...
Il a une monocluséose, il a beau dire qu'il est guérri, le pepere il va morfler encore deux trois mois.
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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptySam 5 Avr 2008 - 22:24

Je ne pense pas que Rafa défendrait une autre personne que Roger comme ça. Il semble qu'ils se respectent beaucoup.
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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyDim 6 Avr 2008 - 11:45

J'avais déjà vu ce qu'il avait mis sur Roger.
Rafa a bien défendu Roger, il ne peut pas tout le temps être a 100%, c'est un humain.
En tout cas il a super bien défendu roger !
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Féminin Localisation : Bosphore

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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyDim 6 Avr 2008 - 19:29

Alors, aujourd'hui j'ai appris qu'il faut ne pas oublier que Rafa est un humain aussi bof

Mais, maintenant je suis vraiment déçue!! TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 86849 TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 86849 Je pensais qu'il gagnerait. Tout allait bien jusque aujourd'hui! Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé dans la finale? TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 226386

J'espere que la saison de la terre battue sera bien avec beaucoup de titres...
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raf' 4 ever

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raf' 4 ever

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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyDim 6 Avr 2008 - 19:35

Rafa doit avoir gagné un peu plus de 1000 points de puis l'OA donc de ce coté la ça va le blem c'est que c'est sans vraiment briller à part à miami bof
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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyDim 6 Avr 2008 - 20:49

N'exagérons rien minimum demi finale partout à part à Rotterdam j'pense pas qu'on puisse qualifier ca de mauvais quand même TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 189714
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raf' 4 ever

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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyDim 6 Avr 2008 - 20:51

Nan c'est pas mauvais mais à part à miami ses tournois c'était pas énorme meme avec des bons résultats
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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyDim 6 Avr 2008 - 20:53

La terre va lui permettre de reprendre un second souffle faut pas s'en faire :smile: Et puis il a déclaré c'est dommage que la saison sur dur se finisse maintenant alors que je commence à très bien jouer TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 189714 Moi je dis c'est pas plus mal comme ca il se souviendra de ses bons résultats quand ca reprendre Smile
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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyDim 6 Avr 2008 - 21:57

mais moi ce qui me sappe le morale c'est qu'il ait rien gagner depuis RG, ça doit jouer sur son moral aussi pale mais bon la saison sur dur it's over retour vers le soleil de la terre battue qui va nous faire revenir notre rafa :smiling:
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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyDim 6 Avr 2008 - 22:00

Revenir ou encore repartir...:smiling:

Et faire revenir Juan Carlos FERRERO, le VRAI maître de la terre battue :smiling: TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 766216 TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 766216
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MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyDim 6 Avr 2008 - 22:47

dans tes reves Tizouc TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 680594 TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 189714
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TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyLun 7 Avr 2008 - 9:09

An interview with Rafael Nadal

April 2, 2008

R. NADAL/J. Blake
3‑6, 6‑3, 6‑1

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. A few weeks ago before Indian Wells, people were saying, and looking at his record, thinking he's maybe a little bit in your head. What turned around? And are you in his head a little bit now maybe?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't think, so. I think we play very tough matches, both, Indian Wells and here. Very good matches I think.
Well, he start playing so aggressive. I don't have many chances in the beginning. I can't touch the ball. I can't get the rhythm in the beginning, nothing. But I was all the time very focused, no? Serving well? The first set, I don't know, but I was playing well, winning my serves easy.
So later in the 4‑3, 30‑Love, you play against James and he has three winners, returns, something like this. So you don't know why, but you are 6‑3 down.
So later I won a very important point. One 15‑30 with one long volley after long point with the backhand. This change a little bit the match, no? And later I have the break in the 4‑3. That's turn of the match.

Q. You've found a way to get on James' backhand side and make that work for you. How have you done that?
I think I play better this two times than the last times against him, no? I change a little bit tactically. I play more aggressive than before.
I think just before I was running a lot, two meters behind the line. I think right now I playing a little bit more aggressive. I can lose, but I think it's the only way for try to win.

Q. Does it help to hit the service returns high to James on the backhand side?
Well, I need change the serve because I don't have 230 kilometer serve. Well, so I have to change. I serve with more topspin sometimes. Sometimes a little bit more flat. But I have to change. If not, it's impossible because he returns so fast.

Q. Has Djokovic's early loss here taken a bit of pressure off you in terms of ranking? Obviously after this tournament you've got a lot of points to defend. Do you feel a little less pressure now?
Djokovic is very good player. He can be No. 1, No. 2 or No. 3 right now. Doesn't matter, no?
But I just try my best in every tournament. If he pass me and he's the No. 2 or No. 1, we have to accept that and congratulate him. But the only thing is try to put the ‑‑ I just try my best. And, well, with this tournament, a little bit with more calm.
But anyway, I have to defend a lot of points. He's going to have his good chances on clay for pass me. But I just ‑‑ my goal is try to continuing playing like here and play like this, I going to have my chances for being in the top positions.

Q. Do you feel as though you're game is coming together now? I know it's the end of hard court season, but do you get the sense that things are beginning to come into place for you at an important time?
I think for me it's very good, both tournaments, no? Semifinals in Indian Wells and being in semifinals here, it's very good tournament for me. Best players of the world are here, playing at hard surface.
So three most important tournaments this year on hard, I was in the semifinals in all three, no? So I think I'm playing well, for sure, and my opinion is that I am playing much better here than Australia.
Right now I am feeling like I am playing at my best level, so that's important for come to the clay season with more confidence, too. But at the same time, disappointing, because right now finish the hard season and then I'm playing better than before.
I think the last week help me a little bit with the big wins against Tsonga and Blake. After, I play very bad match in semifinals against Djokovic. Anyway, I play very good matches, and I come in this week with more confidence, no?

Q. In both these matches the past few weeks, at the end James' level seemed to go down. He looked like he wasn't feeling so confident anymore. Is that something that you notice on your side of net? When was the last time you felt so discouraged against a player at that stage of the match?
Well, sometimes happen, no? Well, the thing is it's strange. I don't know what he says before. I don't know what he says. But I think he was playing fine today. I think he was playing very good tennis.
After the third game or fourth game of third set he comes a little bit down. I have lucky with the break point net on the inside. But I think he goes a little bit down, no?
I have the same last week against Djokovic. I played, but it's a little bit different because I start playing bad and I finish playing worse. He start playing well, and he finish a little bit worse. But it was a tight match, not similar.

Q. Maybe the most important point of the match: Breakpoint, fourth game, third set. He hits an overhead right at you. Did you feint one way first to try to get behind you? Is that how you were able to retrieve the over head?
Yeah, it was in the third game. Yeah. I don't know. I just ‑‑ I have bad lob, I think, not very well. Anyway, I have lucky because I touch the ball here and the ball can goes anyplace.

Q. Can you talk a little bit about the fact that you missed so many breakpoints today?
Yeah. Sometimes happen, no?

Q. But were you getting a bit crazy about it?
The true is I didn't know. I know when I sit in the changeover of the first set. So that's the first time what I know that, no?
But I think he play well. He play good serves. I tried to play aggressive when I have the chance. This is the only way to win: Play aggressive, no? But, well, he serve very good points and I have some mistakes with the forehand in the return, but anyway, he played very well, the important points.

Q. Will you watch Berdych tonight?
I don't know. I don't know. It's at 9:00, no? I don't think so. I think we know each other, Berdych and Andreev, and he's not an unknown player. It's dinnertime.

Q. Should you reach the final, would you prefer to play Roger Federer and maybe get the chance to reverse the result of 2005 when you had a lead of two sets to Love and 4‑1 and you lost the match? Would you prefer to play Federer because of that?
I prefer to play the final.

Q. Yeah. But would you prefer Federer in the final if you get there?
RAFAEL NADAL: Ask me when I am in the final, when I come here after semifinals and if I am there, no?


Dernière édition par Carla04 le Lun 7 Avr 2008 - 9:17, édité 1 fois
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Féminin Localisation : Dans un cabanon perdu en Espagne

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Inscription : 02/08/2007

TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyLun 7 Avr 2008 - 9:13

An interview with Rafael Nadal

April 4, 2008

R. NADAL/T. Berdych
7-6, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Pretty incredible second set. You won the last 12 points and no unforced errors. Were you feeling pretty on top of him?
Well, I think very good tournament. I think I am playing very well this tournament, so today was great match, too. Because it's very tough player like Berdych. Happy for the win.
First set was tough, especially in the end, because I have a lot of chances and never finish, the set.
But I think in the beginning of the first set it was very important. To be very concentrate with my serve. Because against ‑‑ wind was very tough. And I have some breakpoints against, but I can be very concentrate all the time.

Q. Did you feel like after you double‑faulted to lose the set on the 7th set point that he kind of went away, that you defeated him mentally at that point?
I don't think so. I think I had a lot of chances before. First set point with my serve, 5‑3, 15‑40 and 5‑4, 6‑3 in the tiebreak. A lot of chances.
I did not win any, one, but in that moment I was feeling playing better than Tomas in the moment, because I feel ‑‑ I all the time (in Spanish). I was ahead all the time in the score.

Q. How much better are you as a hard‑court player now than three years ago when you were in the final here?
Always we must have the comparison. I think it's impossible compare it. 2005 I won in Montreal, I won in Madrid, I played the final here. The numbers are saying I'm not much better than 2005, so...
I think I have more years, more experience. I'm better player than 2005. I don't have any doubt about this. But it's impossible to compare it. It's totally change feelings.

Q. We had a sensational match last night here. Did you watch it? Federer versus Roddick. If you did, what are your thoughts?
I don't watch any point. I didn't watch any point, so I can't say.

Q. Are you surprised that it's Andy and not Roger?
Well, when you have one score, head to head like 14‑0, last 14 times, for sure it's surprise, but when you play against Roddick all the match depends on points.
So if you are not playing at your 100% and if he's serving well, he's playing well, he play some points important points well from the baseline, you have very difficult match.

Q. I think I read something on your blog that people shouldn't be too hard on Roger. Based on last night's match, don't say that something is wrong with Roger, that he played well. Can you talk a little bit about that?
I think the people are speaking too much about Roger's moment. I think Roger is not in that moment, but, you know, it's very tough be all the time at 100%.
He has for last four or five years unbelievable records. Right now he's not doing bad. He's doing semifinals in Australia and semifinals Indian Wells. Here, quarterfinals.
For sure we are not ‑‑ for us, not normal watch Roger lose in these tournaments, but he's a human person. Anything can happen, because the levels always are very close. Roger has a special ability and always win the important matches and win in the difficult moments.
For that reason, I think it's not fair right now we speak bad about Roger.

Q. You had a tough tournament in Indian Wells and took a pretty tough loss there. I was just wondering how long did it take you to overcome that emotionally or being down about that? In general, how did you deal with a loss? Because you've come back and are playing really, really well.
No one hour. I think Indian Wells I play a very good tournament. I arrive there without my best confidence. I lost in Rotterdam against Seppi and Dubai against Roddick without playing. Improving a little bit my level against Roddick in the quarterfinals of Dubai, but far away than the level that I'm playing right now.
So I know won against Tsonga and Blake was a very good win for me for my confidence, and I arrive to semifinals a little bit tired without believing 100% in my chances in that match.
But after my match against Djokovic, I always have a positive thoughts. I play very good tournament, played terrible match today, I thought, in the moment. But why not? I can play very good tournament in Miami because I am playing better. My feeling was I'm coming better every day.
So I arrive here and I practice every day very well. I say the press conference before tournament I was playing very well, and right now I am in the finals. So anything can happen in this final.
Anyway, for me, going to be very important tournament, this one, because play a final in Masters Series event, beating against big players and playing, I know I am playing at one of my best levels.

Q. In the first game of the match, you hit two very powerful backhands, but for the rest of the match we didn't really see that anymore. Can you explain, because you can hit that shot, why you don't do it more often?
I really don't know. I didn't think about this. I think I have more backhands, no? But, you know, sometimes it depends of the points. It's difficult say why I'm not touching the ball. It's about your feeling in that moment, no? I don't know.

Q. Because a lot of times you played the backhand more safe, but you can hit it very powerful, and people talk about how you should play aggressive on hard courts. It's much talked about. That's why, because you can hit the shot, and we'd like to see it more often maybe.
I going to do more times in the final. (Laughter.) If you like, I going to do it.

Q. I know you still have a match to go here, but could you look ahead to next week in the Davis Cup against Germany and your thoughts on that?
Yeah, it's going to be tough for me. I going to arrive there on Tuesday night, so Wednesday and Thursday, two days only preparation.
So going to be tough. Going to be the decision of the captain put me on Friday or not. I going to try my best for arrive there with my best conditions, but we'll have a very difficult confrontation against Germany, no? Outside, for us it's always difficult for play outside.
We have a complete team. We can play singles and doubles for all four, because I think we have very good level. So we hope have chances for being in the semifinals and play finally at home after long time.

Q. Talk about your match and Andy in Dubai, and what do you have to do if you play him in the finals to beat him? Obviously return of serve is the key.
I think continuing playing like this. So if I play the final like I played the matches before, I going to have chances for a win. I don't have chances for lose, too. But I think if I playing like this, I going to have my chances.

Q. But against Andy, is the key returning his serve? That it?
It's always the key, returning his serve. You can't prepare the match believing in return his serve, because if he's serving 144 miles, your strategy is not this. My strategy is try to play aggressive all the time and be safe with my serve and ‑‑ well, with my serve and continuing like this.
So after, wait my chance on the return. If you are all the time in the final normally you have chance.

Q. Every player wants to wins tournaments, Grand Slams. Where does achieving the No. 1 ranking fit for you? How much of focus is there on that? What would it mean to you if that were to come?
For me, the most important thing is feeling well, feeling playing well, and feeling at the best level. If I am at the best level I have chances for being No. 1, for be No. 2, for be No.3, for No. 4, or No. 5.
But my goal is try to be in the top positions. So I have three years in a row No. 2. This is unbelievable position, because with my points, we have a lot of No. 1s before.
So I think it's ‑‑ I can't say too much about this, no? Just try to continuing playing at the same level like last years, and if I have any chance for be No. 1, I will try to do.
But for me it's not obsession to be No. 1, no? Just I always try my best. I am not finding the No. 1. You are No. 1 or you are not No. 1. That's my feelings.

Q. A lot of the European players tell us that this part of the calendar is very hard for them. They get tired being in the United States for a month or over five weeks. You seem to play well in these tournaments. Are you comfortable here in the United States for that long of time? And if so, why is that?
I'm very comfortable in United States, but not for this time. It's not fair have one month, two tournaments, and after go back to Europe and we have to play three Masters Series on clay.
We only have three Masters Series on clay during all the season, and we have three Masters Series in four weeks. So for us it's terrible, that.
And three Masters Series in the middle of the biggest tournament on clay in the world: Barcelona. So if you see the calendar, that is unbelievable.
Everybody can say about the Olympics. Is not for the Olympics. This year we have that. It's because these two tournaments are one week later, because you have university or something like this, college basketball. I respect 100% the college basketball. I think it's very important.
I know here it's very important, the college basketball, because I saw always the American players and the mens in the locker room watching always this.
But, well, we can't have the calendar thinking about the college basketball, no? So we are 100% disappointed about this decision of the ATP.
Finally the European players are, well, I don't know, very angry about these decisions, no? For me it's terrible. You know, I'm a clay player, but I can play very well on all surface. But play four weeks it's impossible if you are playing well, no?

Q. Andy Murray has just announced that had Alex Corretja is going to be his coach through the clay season. Your thoughts on that whether you're surprised, because Alex is a TV guy now, and what you think he can help Andy with.
Well, I really don't know because I didn't have ‑‑ I don't know how he's working Alex against one player, no? For sure he has enough experience on clay. He can pass on his feelings how to play on clay to Andy.
But anyway Andy, I think, is very talented player. He can play very well in all surfaces, no? Why not on clay? I think he going to do very good.

Q. Perhaps the one phase of your game that has improved the most is your serve, both first and second serve. Could you assess for us how much improvement you've made over the last two years in your serving?
I don't like to speak too much about my improves, because every week we are speaking about my improvement. I don't know, I always try to improve everything. My serve, for sure, is more ‑‑ is more difficult improve my forehand than my serve, because I have my serve here and my forehand here.
When you start playing tennis, you ‑‑ well, I don't know how you're playing, but you have more chances to improve than me, so it's easier. So if my serve is worse I have more chances for improve.
But I always try to improve everything. My serve is important part of my game to improve, and I was very focus all the time with my serve and with my volleys with my slice, because I am slicing much better than two years before now, too. I use my slice on hard surfaces important shot, and two years before I didn't use.

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Féminin Localisation : Dans un cabanon perdu en Espagne

Membre n° : 3
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Inscription : 02/08/2007

TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyLun 7 Avr 2008 - 9:21

Nadal passe à côté

Rafael Nadal ne remportera pas son dixième Masters Series. L’Espagnol s’est lourdement incliné en finale à Miami face à Nikolay Davydenko (6/4 6/2).

par Mathieu Idiart, le 06-04-2008

Battu en 2005 en finale à Miami, Rafael Nadal voyait se présenter une deuxième chance en Floride. L’occasion également pour l’Espagnol de devenir le quatrième joueur à remporter dix Masters Series. Mais se dressait devant le Majorquin un Davydenko en forme après sa première victoire sur Andy Roddick, en demies, sur six confrontations. Le Russe confirmait ses dispositions du moment avec un break très tôt dans la rencontre (2/1) que Nadal se chargeait de briser rapidement (2/2). Capable de tenir l’échange de fond de court imposé par l’Espagnol, Davydenko se montrait le plus précis et commettait moins de fautes directes. Il reprenait logiquement le dessus au score en faisant le break (4-3). Cette fois, le Russe tenait son engagement et s’assurait le gain de la première manche malgré une réaction tardive de Nadal (6/4).

Davydenko enchaîne à la volée

En difficulté face à des joueurs présentant les mêmes caractéristiques et capables de frapper un coup de plus que lui, le Majorquin ne trouvait pas la solution et concédait un break d’entrée de seconde manche (1/0). La suite tournait même à la démonstration. Jamais inquiétée sur sa mise en jeu, la tête de série n° 4 n’hésitait pas à venir conclure les points au filet et enchaînait par un nouveau break (4/1). Le titre s’approchait à grands pas pour l’Ukrainien de naissance. Loin de le perturber, cette perspective galvanisait Davydenko qui se montrait impérial du fond de court avec une multiplication de coups droits gagnants. C’est sur l’un d’eux que le Russe concluait sa démonstration face à un Nadal qui a encore manqué son dernier rendez-vous floridien.

Résultat de la finale :
Davydenko (Rus, 4) - Nadal (Esp, 2) 6/4 6/2


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Féminin Localisation : Dans un cabanon perdu en Espagne

Membre n° : 3
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Inscription : 02/08/2007

TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TMS Miami 2008   TMS Miami 2008 - Page 2 EmptyLun 7 Avr 2008 - 9:24

An interview with Rafael Nadal

April 6, 2008

R. NADAL/N. Davydenko
4/6 2/6

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Has Nikolay improved since you last played him? Does he do anything differently now?

Q. Has Nikolay improved since you last played him? Does he do anything differently?
No, I don't think so, no? He's always a big player, no? No. 4 in the world, No. 3, No. 5, since three years, no? He's a big player.

Q. Were you surprised at just how aggressive Nikolay was today? He seemed to be standing very close to the baseline, taking a lot of balls on the rise, taking a lot of time away from you. Were you surprised by his aggression today?
No. I think he play a good level. He played good match, but I didn't play well today. So when you don't play at 100% at this level against top players, it's tough win, especially on hard surface. So I congratulate him more because he play better than me.
I played very good tournament. I won against very good players. I played at my best level against Berdych, against Blake, against Mathieu. So for that reason I beat against these top players. Today I didn't play my best. He play well and I lose.

Q. Were you 100% fit physically? Are you feeling well?
I feel perfect. I feel good. I didn't have any problems, so just today I ‑‑ I didn't found my rhythm on court, so it was tough since the beginning. I can't ‑‑ against wind was impossible for me to win on my serve. If I win serves against wind is impossible to win the match.

Q. Especially your forehand today?
My forehand?

Q. Yeah.
I don't know outside court, but inside the court I think is the backhand, not the forehand.

Q. Do you think that Nikolay is sort of the guy that at least here we don't hear that much about? You know, everyone writes about you and Roger and Andy. Do you think he's kind of the forgotten guy in the top 5? People don't give him enough credit?
I don't think so, no. He's ‑‑ well, he's a different kind of player, for sure. He's ‑‑ he's a big player, but the people and you, you like to write more about Roger, about me, about Djokovic, about Roddick.
But one player can't be three years in Masters Series or this year going to be the fourth without being a very, very good player.
So the people outside tennis can think different, can think about different way about Nikolay, but we know he's a very, very good player.

Q. What are the things that make him different, and what makes him particularly difficult to play?
I say before, I think he didn't do nothing different. He start play much better. He played very good level. I didn't play good match. That's it.
Sometimes we all have to think more than the match, so the match was ‑‑ I didn't play well. He play very well, especially after 3‑3, because in the beginning I think he wasn't play very good, too. But, anyway, I didn't play well, too.
So later he start ‑‑ he come back, and in one moment of the match, in the 3‑All, I have one break point, important point. I didn't win this point. I have one mistake with the forehand. After this point he start playing match much better.
It was a big change because he was doing some mistakes. I was doing the same mistakes, too, but at this moment he changed a lot in the match. He start playing much better and was big change for me, no?
And I didn't found a way. I didn't see the way for ‑‑ for try to change the match, no?

Q. I know it's very soon after the match for you, but would you be able to turn your mind to thinking about the clay court season, which is about to begin, and a few thoughts about the part of the season you like best?
Right now I have Davis Cup, so I don't think about ‑‑ I think about Davis Cup now. It's important competition for us. Later I sure I'm going to think on clay season, but right now this is the tournament going to give me, I think, positive feeling for the clay season, no?
I play very good tournament against very good players, regularly in final, semifinal, semifinal. That's always positive. When you are there every week finally you going to win. I think this.
So for sure it's tough. I was playing very, very good tennis, but at the same time, I have to be happy about myself, about the last weeks, because I improve a lot my level, tennis level, and I was there all the time.
I think soon I going to win a title, no? I hope so. I hope so in Monte‑Carlo.

Q. You said that he didn't change his style, but is there something about his style that didn't allow you to get into your rhythm, or was it just one of those days for you?
I say it three times. I didn't feel my rhythm on court, so I play bad game today. It's difficult to say more things. I said before ‑‑ he play better than me. For that reason he beat me. He play more aggressive, with more good feelings, forehand, backhand volley, dropshot.
I can't win against player doing everything better than me today. Today, I didn't play my tennis.

Q. The fact that they've switched to a two‑out‑of‑three format, seems like it would be a particular disadvantage to a player like yourself. I wonder how you and others feel about the switch from three‑out‑of‑five to two‑out‑of‑three in the scoring.
I think it's a positive change for the players, because we have the calendar very tight, very tough all the time, a lot of straight weeks and tough for us to play final with five sets.
But the intention of tennis is five sets. Big matches ‑‑ I remember some of the big matches, I know I played big matches, if I played big matches, was always five sets.
At the same time, it is disappointing for me.

Q. With the results of tournaments at that start of this year, do you see the men's side being wide open right now as far as who's going to become the dominant player?
I don't know. You know, we have only three months already on the season. Roger have lose more than usually, but it wasn't due to bad results. He's not far away about his level.
Djokovic is unbelievable, but at the same time, I am not so far away than Djokovic, too. Play very good start of the season. My goal was have 1,000 points after Miami. I say before the season my goal is have 1,000 points in Miami and I will have, I don't know, 1,200, 1,250, something like this.
I improve my goal. Last year I have in this moment, this tournament, when I finish winning the Indian Wells I have 1025 points. I improve. It's a lot of points on three months, so happy for that.


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